Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Modern condition of Ukrainian economy

16 Ноября 2013, реферат

Deep recession during the 1990s leading to a relatively high poverty rate, but beginning in 2001, as a result seven straight years of economic growth, the standard of living for most citizens has increased. World Bank report, 2007 notes: "Ukraine recorded one of the sharpest declines in poverty of any transition economy in recent years. The poverty rate, measured against an absolute poverty line, fell from a high of 32% in 2001 to 8% in 2005. UN notes that absolute poverty in Ukraine already was overcome; there is only relative poverty today. The macroeconomics is stable, and the hyperinflation of the 1990s has subsided. Ukraine's currency, the hryvnia, was introduced in September 1996. The economy has continued to grow thanks to exports since 2000, although at uneven speed and being highly affected (circa -15% GDP growth) by the late-2000s recession and the 2008–2009 Ukrainian financial crisis. In general, strong domestic demand, low inflation, and solid consumer and investor confidence have undergirded growth.

Modern Methods of Teaching Listening Skills

17 Мая 2015, доклад

Effective, modern methods of teaching listening skills encompass everything from interactive exercises to multimedia resources. Listening skills are best learned through simple, engaging activities that focus more on the learning process than on the final product. Whether you are working with a large group of students or a small one, you can use any of the following examples to develop your own methods for teaching students how to listen well.

Montreux School of Business

05 Июля 2013, реферат

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors you feel compelled to perform. If you have OCD, you probably recognize that your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational – but even so, you feel unable to resist them and break free. Many people associate repeated washing of hands, or flicking of switches, and even cleanliness with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), however there are many more symptoms, and there are also explanations for those symptoms.. “Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) consists of two behaviors that occur in the same person, obsessions and compulsions.” (Garrett, 387)

More Bold Automotive Ides Intelligent Wheels

27 Декабря 2014, контрольная работа

Sophisticated electronics are playing a big role in current automotive research. One of the latest applications is the "intelligent" wheel-computerized systems that continually monitor the air pressure of automobile tires and alert drivers if their tires are over- or under inflated. Neotech Industries of Dallas is developing a digital electronic monitoring system.

Mother's Day

30 Ноября 2014, реферат

The modern Mother's Day holiday was created by Anna Jarvis as a day for each family to honor its mother, and it's now celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It complements Father's Day, the celebration honoring fathers.
This holiday is relatively modern, being created at the start of the 20th century, and should not be confused with the early pagan and Christian traditions honoring mothers, or with the 16th century celebration of Mothering Sunday, which is also known as Mother's Day in the UK.
In most countries the Mother's Day celebration is a recent holiday derived from the original US celebration. Exceptions are, for example, the Mothering Sunday holiday in the UK.

Multinational corporations and the global economy

11 Мая 2014, статья

Nowadays the multinational corporations are the most flexible actor which supports
globalization. So, I consider that is important to analyse the evolution of these corporations.
Multinational corporations operate at the crossing point between production, international trade and foreign investments. These companies are in the middle of the debates about economic globalization. They are known as transnational corporations or as multinational firms too. Multinational corporation is a firm which control and organize production using plants from at least two countries. The number of multinational corporations is about 63000. They have 700000 branches in other countries. These multinational corporations and their branches have 25% from world output and 86 millions of labour.

My Dream Room

19 Декабря 2013, сочинение

My name is Ekaterina. I ,my brother and parents live in Avtozavodsky district in two room apartment. I have a separate room of my own, which is nice. However, I would like to make some changes there. my current room orange, but I would like that she was brownish-black. I like a lot of dark colors. I have a small study with a desk, a chair, a computer, a lamp and some book shelves. I wouldn’t like to change anything there as it’s a very cozy corner. I would not change anything, because this is a very cosy area

My Favorite Days of the Week

02 Февраля 2014, лекция

Цель урока: Формирование лексических («Daily routine», « My favourite day») и грамматических (Present Simple, Linkers) навыков говорения.

My opinion about recent changes in the environment

16 Декабря 2013, сочинение

In recent years we all have been hearing about global warming. It seems that the issue has been decided and we can’t do anything to stop it. Polar ice is shrinking at higher rate every year and environmentalists haven’t achieved any significant results in their fight against it.
But do we all agree that global warming is the thing to worry about? Does it have any certain negative effects or is it just a false impression of what is happening?

My University

09 Декабря 2013, сочинение

I would like to express my opinion on the topic «My University». It is a well-known fact that this year Belsut University is 60.
Firstly, I would like to compare Belsut with other universities of our city. It is considered to be the best university of our city and one of the best universities of our country. I realized that I should study there and my parents wanted me to enter it.

Nanotechnology in Medicine

22 Февраля 2012, доклад

Ideas of modern nano-has been mentioned Richard Feynman in his famous lecture "There's a lot of space at the bottom" in 1959. Then he talked about the possibility of chemical manipulations at the atomic level, and suggested that when a patient is simply "swallow a surgical machine," which will come into place and everything patched. It took 50 years and scientists are still struggling with the creation of such a surgeon, but Feynman, no doubt, would have impressed the fact that we have done to date.Nanomedicine is firmly gaining a place in the field of drug delivery and diagnostics.

National food of Great Britain

18 Февраля 2013, творческая работа

If you ask foreigners to name some typical English dishes, they will probably say ‘Fish and chips’ and stop. It is disappointed, but true, that there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because their food doesn’t lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found in the home, where it is possible to time the dishes to perfection. Their basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that they haven’t had to invent sauces and complex recipes to disguise their natural taste. But Cynics will say that British have no ‘cuisine’ themselves .

National food of Great Britain

14 Декабря 2013, реферат

For most people, the grammar issue is a huge question. So you may be surprised to see I haven’t written a post just about it despite a year and a half of blogging about languages and related topics.
The reason is simple: there is no one-size-fits-all solution. I havemy method, and someone else will tell you the exact opposite. Ultimately any method could work due to a combination of aspects of it that may indeed be efficient or simply the placebo effect of it motivating you to do something else useful.
What is mostly crucial in any method depends hugely on the end-goals, and on the person’s own learning style. This definitely applies to studying grammar.


12 Марта 2013, статья

Nearsightedness (myopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly, but objects farther away are blurry.
The degree of your nearsightedness determines your ability to focus on distant objects. People with severe nearsightedness can see clearly only objects just a few inches away, while those with mild nearsightedness may clearly see objects several yards away.
Nearsightedness may develop gradually or rapidly, often worsening during childhood and adolescence. Nearsightedness tends to run in families.
A basic eye exam can confirm nearsightedness.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today

04 Июня 2013, реферат

Most of you would agree with me on the relevance of this proverb in today’s competitive and fast paced world.
"Never leave till tomorrow what you can do today ? How do you explain this golden maxim ?

New diplomacy

02 Декабря 2012, автореферат

To begin with, the author analyzes the need for a new diplomacy. It is shown, that traditional diplomacy failure to prevent the First World War and was one of the reasons of this war. That’s why a need for a new diplomacy.

New Zealand

12 Декабря 2012, реферат

New Zealand is a country in Southwestern Oceania, southeast of Australia in the South Pacific Ocean, with two large islands (North and South Island), one smaller island (Stewart Island), and numerous much smaller islands. New Zealand has a total land area of 268,670 sq km and a coastline of 15,134 km.

Nükleoproteid mübadilə pozğunluğu

30 Сентября 2013, реферат

Nükleoproteidlər zülallardan və nüklein turşularından -DNT və RNT -dən ibarətdir.Histoloji laboratoriyalarda DNT Felgen üsulu ilə ,RNT isə Braşe üsulu ilə təyin edilir. Nükleoproteid mübadiləsinin (purin və primidin mübadiləsi) sonunda toxumalarda sidik turşusu (urat turşusu) və onbun duzları əmələ gəlir, böyrəklərlə xaric olur.Orqanizmdə nükleoproteid mübadiləsi pozulduqda çoxlu miqdarda urat turşusu əmələ gəlir və qanda onun miqdarı yüksəlir.Buna hiperurikemiya deyilir.

Obama: The conservative in 2012

21 Марта 2013, доклад

The author of the article is E.J.Dionne Jr. He is an American journalist and political commentator, and a long-time opossited columnist for The Washington Post. He is also a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution, a University Professor in the Foundations of Democracy and Culture at Georgetown Public Policy Institute, a Senior Research Fellow at Saint Anselm College, and National Public Radio (NPR), Microsoft and the National Broadcasting Company (MSNBC), and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) commentator. It was published in the Washington Post on December 26, 2011. The Washington Post is a leading American daily newspaper. It is the most widely circulated newspaper published in Washington, D.C., and oldest extant in the area, founded in 1877.

Ocoбeннocти пepeвoдa aнглийcких peклaмных тeкcтoв

23 Июля 2015, курсовая работа

Тeмa нacтoящeй paбoты пpeдcтaвляeтcя aктyaльнoй, тaк кaк c paзвитиeм инфopмaциoнных тeхнoлoгий, нaчaлocь cтpeмитeльнoe pacшиpeниe пepeвoдчecкoй дeятeльнocти имeннo лингвиcтичecкoгo нaпpaвлeния. Блaгoдapя кaчecтвeнным и кoличecтвeнным измeнeниям пepeвoдчecкoй дeятeльнocти, a тaкжe нayчным paзpaбoткaм, нa пepвый плaн вышeл инфopмaтивный пepeвoд, в кoтopoм ocoбeннocти индивидyaльнo-aвтopcкoгo cтиля нe тaк cyщecтвeнны. Вce эти измeнeния имeют нeпocpeдcтвeннoe oтнoшeниe к peклaмным тeкcтaм, кoтopыe пo cвoeй знaчимocти в миpoвoм инфopмaциoннoм пpoцecce, ceгoдня cpaвнивaютcя c нoвocтными тeкcтaми в CМИ.

Oila jamiyatning buguni va kelajagi negizidir

21 Января 2013, контрольная работа

Jamiyatda oilaning roli shunchalik ahamiyatiki, u odatli tarzda har qanday jamiyatning negizi sifatida kõrib chiqiladi. Chunki oila ijtimoiy hayotning alohida sohasini õzida mujassam etgan bõlib, unda kelajakda jamiyatda yashashdi va davlatning fuqorosiga aylanishi kerak bõlib va shaxsning dunyoga kelishi, oyoqqa turishi va shakkllanishi jarayonlari kechadi.

Old English Literature (AD 450 – 1066) The Middle English literature (1066 – 1485)

30 Ноября 2015, контрольная работа

Beowulf is the quintessential Anglo-Saxon hero. He
symbolises the manners and values dictated by the Germanic
heroic code, such as loyalty, courage, courtesy, honour and
discipline. His ironclad commitment to the heroic code with
it's emphasis on glory in life and after death leads him
beyond heroic necessity to excess and pride. However, for
Beowulf to achieve immortal fame after death his heroic
abilities must be challenged. Therefore, heroes and monsters
must exit symbiotically in order to define each other as
heroic or monstrous.


03 Июня 2013, реферат

Onomastics is the branch of lexicology which studies proper names of all kinds, history and the origins of names, from the Greek word onoma, `name'. Onomastics studies different kinds of names such as names of people (e.g. first names, middle names, surnames, nicknames), names of places (e.g. countries, districts, cities, towns, villages), names of landscape features (e.g. seas, rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, hills, valleys, forests, woods, moors, marshes), names of buildings (e.g. houses, churches, pubs, schools, airports, hotels, railway stations), names of routeways (e.g. roads, streets, paths, tracks, bridges, fords, canals, shipping routes), names of animals (e.g. pets, greyhounds, racehorses, cows), names of ethnic and social groups (e.g. nations, tribes, political parties, clubs, sports teams), names of events (e.g. competitions, fairs, races), names of astronomical features (e.g. planets, stars), names of vehicles (e.g. aircrafts, locomotives, ships), names of commercial products (e.g. chocolates, lipsticks, wines), names of creative works (e.g. books, films, plays, poems), names in fiction as well as in the real world – the list goes on and on.

Overseas studies, advantages and disadvantages

13 Декабря 2013, творческая работа

Overseas Study
•42% of MBA graduates found it easier to get career promotion
•The majority of top managers have recognized overseas degree
•Graduates with overseas degrees can claim for higher salaries
•Wider choice of job positions
•Opportunities to work and run businesses abroad

Oxford and Cambridge

11 Ноября 2014, доклад

This university town is very beautiful. The oldest university there is Oxford. The first of its colleges was founded in 1249. The university now has thirty-five colleges and about thirteen thousand students, many of them from other countries.
There were no women at Oxford until 1878. When the first women's college Lady Margaret Hall, opened. Now most colleges are open to men and women. It is not easy to get a place at Oxford University to study for a degree.

Oxford Guide to British and American Culture

10 Января 2013, практическая работа

I would like to talk about the culture dictionary, more specifically about the Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. The importance of such dictionaries became unquestionable when the culturological approach to the study of languages appeared. This approach means the unity of the language and culture. To acquire a language, a person should have the knowledge of special features of communication, behavior, people’s mind, habits, values, traditions in the country which language h

Panorama Travel

17 Июня 2012, контрольная работа

Panorama Travel has been in travel service business since 1995. We are not just a travel agency but a full service company providing the best of personalized travel and travel related services to leisure and business travelers to all destinations around the world. The strength of our success is cemented by the desire and ability to achieve high quality service at the most competitive prices.

Passato Remoto - время, говорящее о делах давно минувших

25 Мая 2013, курсовая работа

Цель исследования определила следующие задачи:
Рассмотреть понятия Passato Remoto и Trapassato Remoto их образование и функции в итальянском языке.
Определить отличия от некоторых других прошедших времен.
Представить картину использования Passato Remoto и Trapassato Remoto в диалогической и писменной речи на основе исследований.
А также Рассмотреть на практике особенности употребления этих прошедших времен в различных регионах Италии.

Passive Voice

29 Ноября 2013, доклад

The verbal category of voice shows the direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation reflected in the syntactic structure of the sentence. Voice is a very specific verbal category: first, it does not reflect the actual properties of the process denoted, but the speaker’s appraisal of it; the speaker chooses which

Paul Anthony Samuelson

13 Июня 2013, реферат

Samuelson was born in Gary, Indiana, on May 15, 1915, to Frank Samuelson, a pharmacist, and the former Ella Lipton Jewish immigrants from Poland. In 1923 Samuelson moved to Chicago. He studied at the University of Chicago and received his Bachelor of Arts degree there in 1935. He then completed his Master of Arts degree in 1936, and his Doctor of Philosophy in 1941 at Harvard University. As a graduate student at Harvard, Samuelson studied economics under Joseph Schumpeter, Wassily Leontief, Gottfried Haberler, and the "American Keynes" Alvin Hansen. Samuelson comes from a family of well-known economists, including brother Robert Summers, sister-in-law Anita Summers, and nephew Larry Summers.