Passive Voice

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 29 Ноября 2013 в 21:26, доклад

Краткое описание

The verbal category of voice shows the direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation reflected in the syntactic structure of the sentence. Voice is a very specific verbal category: first, it does not reflect the actual properties of the process denoted, but the speaker’s appraisal of it; the speaker chooses which

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Глагольная категория залога передает направленность процесса относительно участников ситуации, отражаемую в синтаксической структуре предложения. Залог является очень необычной глагольной категорией: во-первых, он отражает не непосредственные признаки обозначаемого процесса, а его представление говорящим; говорящий выбирает, какой из участников ситуации – агенс (субъект, производитель действия) или пациенс (объект, получатель действия) – должен быть представлен в качестве подлежащего синтаксической конструкции. Во-вторых, хотя залог передается, прежде всего, морфологическими формами глагола, он тесно связан со структурной организацией синтаксической конструкции: использование пассивной или активной формы глагола предполагает использование пассивной или активной синтаксической конструкции.

The verbal category of voice shows the direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation reflected in the syntactic structure of the sentence. Voice is a very specific verbal category: first, it does not reflect the actual properties of the process denoted, but the speaker’s appraisal of it; the speaker chooses which of the participants in the situation – the agent (the subject, the doer of the action) or the patient (the object, the receiver of the action, the experiencer) – should be presented as the subject of the syntactic construction. Second, though it is expressed through the morphological forms of the verb, voice is closely connected with the structural organization of the syntactic construction: the use of passive or active forms of the verb involves the use of the passive or active syntactic construction.

Категория залога выражается через  противопоставление пассивных (страдательных) и активных форм глагола; активные формы глагола являются слабым, немаркированным членом оппозиции, а пассив является сильным членом оппозиции, маркированным с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be (или глаголов to get, to become в разговорной речи) и причастия второго знаменательного глагола. Пассив передает значение процесса направленного на референт подлежащего, или состояния, испытываемого референтом подлежащего в пассивной синтаксической конструкции, т.е. подлежащее в пассивной конструкции называет объект, получатель действия в описываемой ситуации. Субъект действия в пассивной конструкции, таким образом, выражается дополнением, например: The cup was broken by his daughter (the cup – подлежащее, пациенс, получатель действия в описываемой ситуации, his daughter – дополнение, агенс, производитель действия в описываемой ситуации). Пассивные конструкции также используются, когда субъект действия неизвестен или неважен, например: He was killed during the war; The cup has been broken.


The category of voice is expressed by the opposition of the passive and active forms of the verb; the active form of the verb is the unmarked, weak member of the opposition, and the passive is the strong member marked by the combination of the auxiliary verb to be (or the verbs to get, to become in colloquial speech) and participle II of the notional verb. It denotes the action received or a state experienced by the referent of the subject of the syntactic construction; in other words, the syntactic subject of the sentence denotes the patient, the receiver of the action in the situation described, while the syntactic object, if any, denotes the doer, or the agent of the action, e.g.: The cup was broken by his daughter. Passive constructions are used when the agent is unknown or irrelevant, e.g.: He was killed during the war; The cup has been broken.

ассив используется в английском языке  гораздо шире, чем в русском  языке: не только переходные, но практически  все объектно-комплементативные  глаголы могут использоваться в  формах пассивного залога, например: The doctor was sent for. Существует лишь небольшая группа глаголов, в основном статальных, которые не используются в форме пассива в английском языке: to be, to have, to belong, to cost, to resemble, to consist и некоторые другие.

The passive is more widely used in English than in Russian: not only transitive verbs, but almost all objective complementive verbs can be passivized, e.g.: ^ The doctor was sent for. There is a small group of verbs, most of them statal, which are not used in the passive in English: to be, to have, to belong, to cost, to resemble, to consist, and some other.

Why do we use the passive voice?

1) We use the passive when we are not sure who or what does the action:

My watch has been stolen! 
My car window has been smashed. 
My email account was hacked yesterday.

2) We also use the passive when the important information is what happens and not who or what does it:

A new bridge is being built over the river. 
The park is closed at eight o'clock every evening. 
The palace guards are changed twice every day.

3) When we know who or what does the action so we do not need to mention it:

The murderer has been arrested at last. 
I was given a full medical examination at the hospital. 
Her grandmother is going to be taken to an old people's home.

4) For formal public notices:

You are requested not to walk on the grass (public notice in a park). 
Passengers are reminded to stay with their luggage at all times (public announcement at an airport). 
You are advised to take warm clothing for the cruise (text in a holiday brochure).   

*The passive voice can change the emphasis of a sentence. 
Jack won the prize. (focus on Jack)  
The prize was won by Jack. (focus on the prize) 
*Using the passive is a way of avoiding the naming of a specific person who is responsible for an action. 
It has been decided to reduce all salaries by 10%. 
*In descriptions processes, there is emphasis on the actions performed rather than on the people who performed them. 
Then the packets are packed into boxes of twenty four. 
*The passive is often used with say, believe, understand, know and similar verbs used in reporting to avoid an impersonal they or people. 
John Wilson is said to live in New York. 
John Wilson is said to be travelling in Africa. 
John Wilson is said to have arrived in Australia.

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