Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Things never to say or do in Russia

15 Октября 2012, творческая работа

If you're invited over for dinner, or just for a visit, don't come to a Russian house with nothing. What you bring doesn't really matter — a box of chocolates, flowers, or a small toy for a child. Russian hosts prepare for company by cooking their best dishes and buying delicacies that they normally wouldn't for themselves.

Three main periods in the history of the English language

24 Ноября 2013, лекция

During the Old English period, most additions to the English vocabulary were based on native English words. Old words were given new meanings, new words were formed by the addition of prefixes or suffixes, or by compounding. Latin was the most influential of foreign languages. The Scandinavians also influenced the language of English during the Old English period. From the eighth (8th)century, Scandinavians had raided and eventually settled in England, especially in the north and the east. This prolonged unfriendly contact had a considerable and varied influence on the English vocabulary. The Middle English period was marked by a great extension of foreign influence on English. The Norman Conquest in 1066 brought England under French rule.

Three-phase AC

29 Апреля 2012, реферат

AC motors are also fairly simple to understand. They are a little trickier to make but will need single-phase or three-phase AC power to make them work. In the little diagrams above, we have a squirrel cage ac induction motor, a permanent magnet synchronous machine, and a synchronous motor. The inventor of the three-phase AC motor was Nikola Tesla, a pioneer in electromagnetism.


01 Июня 2013, статья

Twenty years ago not many people travelled overseas for their holidays. The majority of people stayed to have holidays in their country. Today the situation is different and the world seems much smaller.
It is possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world. Staying at home, you can book it through the Internet or by phone. The plane takes you straight there and within some hours of leaving your country, you can be on a tropical beach, breathing a super clean air and swimming in crystal warm water of tropical sea.

Tourist Attractions in USA

10 Апреля 2014, реферат

Times Square - neon heart of the metropolis. This is an area in the heart of New York, on Mahettene, located at the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. Is one of the main attractions of New York and the most visited attraction in the world. Every year there are around 40 million tourists. This is a definite symbol of bustling life of New York, with its Broadway theaters, neon signs and crowds of tourists. Here are the most famous shops, restaurants and cinemas, as well as the offices of the largest companies in the world. Times Square is called the crossroads of the world, here is concentrated all the financial power of the United States.

Transport in Great Britain

29 Апреля 2013, реферат

You can reach England either by plane, by train, by car or by ship. The fastest way is by plane. London has three international airports: Heathrow, the largest, connected to the city by underground; Gatwick, south of London, with a frequent train service; Luton, the smallest, used for charter flights.
If you go to England by train or by car you have to cross the Channel. There is a frequent service of steamers and ferryboats which connect the continent to the south-east of England.


25 Июня 2013, доклад

Millions people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. It's always interesting to discover new things and different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different music.

Types of Internet Marketing

04 Марта 2013, реферат

The internet has changed the way we do business. In fact, many would agree it's one of the most useful inventions in history. Because of the web and email we can now make our services and products available globally, and we can keep in constant contact with our customers. Internet marketing is an important part of your success online. Here are 8 popular types of internet marketing.

Types of sciences

09 Января 2011, доклад

•There two types of sciences: natural and social
•Social sciences study the Social reality


17 Января 2013, творческая работа

What would you like to see in the U.S.A

Uluslararası ilişkiler

08 Декабря 2013, реферат

Disiplinler arası bir disiplin olması sebebiyle siyaset bilimi, iktisat, tarih, hukuk, felsefe, sosyoloji, psikoloji, coğrafya, antropoloji gibi pek çok farklı disiplinden faydalanır.Uluslararası sistem içindeki aktörlerin, özellikle de uluslararası ilişkilerin temel aktörü olarak kabul edilen devletlerin, diğer devletlerle, uluslararası bölgesel hükümetler arası örgütler, çok uluslu şirketler, uluslararası normlar ve uluslararası toplumla olan ilişkilerini inceleyen bir disiplindir.Uluslararası İlişkilerin çalışma alanı oldukça geniştir. Küreselleşme ve bu olgunun uluslararası topluma ve devlet egemenliğine etkisi, sürdürülebilir kalkınma, nükleer yayılma, terörizm, organize suç, milliyetçilik, insan hakları, çevre sorunları, güvenlik ve insan kaçakçılığına kadar pek çok konuyu uluslararası düzeyde inceler.

UN House and Common Services Assistant

23 Ноября 2012, курсовая работа

II. Organizational Context

Under the overall guidance of the OMT Chairperson, and daily supervision of UNDP Operations Manager, the UN House and Common Services Assistant performs general administrative/finance duties to ensure smooth operation of the UN House building and provides support to all common services activities of the UN Agencies-members of OMT.

University of Oxford

01 Июня 2013, доклад

The University of Oxford (commonly referred to as Oxford University or simply Oxford) is a collegiate research university located in Oxford, England of United Kingdom. Although its exact date of foundation is unclear, there is evidence of teaching as far back as 1096 making it the oldest university in the English-speaking world, and the second-oldest surviving university in the world. In post-nominals the University of Oxford is commonly abbreviated as Oxon., from the Latin Universitas Oxoniensis. Since 2007 Oxf has been used in official university publications, though this 'has been criticized by some readers.'

Uprzedzenie konfliktów w stosunkach między rodzicami i dziećmi

04 Декабря 2013, контрольная работа

Aktualność danego tematu polega na tym, że stosunki między rodzicami i dziećmi zawsze wywoływały wielu rozmów i interesów. Większość rodziców zderza się z dużymi trudnościami przy edukacji dzieci. Ze względu na presję i napięcie, które dziennie odczuwa rodzina, lekko rozpaczać w swoje siły. Wzrost liczby rozwodów, ekonomiczny kryzys, spadek jakości edukacji — wszystko wnosi emocjonalny wkład w każdą osobowość. W miarę tego jak rodzice poczuwają się coraz więcej wyczerpanymi fizycznie, emocyjnie i duchowo, staje ciężko wychowywać dziecko. Dziecko - najbardziej potrzebujący człowiek naszego społeczeństwa, i więcej za wszystko ona potrzebuje miłości.


14 Октября 2014, реферат

Vologda region lies in the North-West of Russia. It occupies the territory of 145,000 square kilometers, which is equal to the territories of Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland taken together. The climate of the region is temperate-continental - cold snowy winter and short warm summer.

Vorstellungen in der Ukraine über Deutschland und Deutsche

27 Февраля 2014, контрольная работа

Die Deutschen sind zuverlässig, fleißig und haben keinen Humor. Das denken sie jedenfalls über sich selbst. Doch was sagen die Ukrainer und insbesondere Besucher aus der Ukraine über die Bewohner der Bundesrepublik?
Die Ukrainer halten die Deutschen vor allem für gut organisiert, akkurat und leicht pedantisch. Zuverlässigkeit, Umgänglichkeit und Geselligkeit sind Eigenschaften, die oft in den Deutschen gesehen werden. Man beschreibt die Deutschen als nette und freundliche Menschen. Aber in Russland und in der Ukraine hält man auch die Deutschen für arrogant und spontan, und man verbindet Deutschland immer noch mit Hitler und den Nazis.

Was ist also Logistik

04 Декабря 2012, доклад

In der offiziellen Statistik ist die Logistik eine weitaus weniger homogene
Branche als klassische Industriezweige wie der Maschinenbau oder die chemische Industrie. In der Systematik der Wirtschaftszweige der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (NACE-Codes) findet sich kein Sektor mit der Bezeichnung Logistik.

Ways and means of expressing modality in english and ukrainian

06 Февраля 2013, курсовая работа

The expression of modal meanings by phonological means has often an identical realization in both languages, though in Ukrainian the lexical means such as modal particles and modal adverbs are mostly preferred here. These means may also express the most subtle meanings of suggestion, admonition, supposition, doubt, assuredness, etc. Among the most frequently used particles, which create such and other meanings, are аж, ж, хоч, б, би, і, й, -но, -то, саме, таки, etc., and also adverbs авжеж, адже, надто, певне, напевне, все ж, все ж таки, мов, немов, ніби and some others. The choice of the particle or modal adverb is predetermined by the content, though sometimes it rests only -with the translator, who may employ stronger or weaker means to convey the modal meaning in the sentence. Thus, the modal meaning in the proverb sentence below may have two expressions - a weaker and a stronger one (more enphatic) in Ukrainian

What does a Petroleum engineer do?

24 Апреля 2013, реферат

Meeting the task of producing oil and gas and other resources from the earth is the primary challenge of the petroleum engineer. Petroleum provides over 70% of world energy consumption. It is likely to continue at this rate for at least another 50 years, probably 100 ears. No other branch of engineering is more concerned with our everyday lives. Economic and environmentally safe production of petroleum resources requires creative application of a wide spectrum of knowledge, ranging from the basic sciences of mathematics, physics, geology and chemistry to almost all engineering disciplines (mechanical, chemical, electrical, etc).

What is Hardware?

13 Января 2011, реферат

Your PC (Personal Computer) is a system, consisting of many components. Some of those components, like Windows XP, and all your other programs, are software. The stuff you can actually see and touch, and would likely break if you threw it out a fifth-story window, is hardware.

What is money

20 Ноября 2013, реферат

If you had lived in America before the Revolutionary War, your money might have consisted primarily of Spanish doubloons (silver coins that were also called pieces of eight). Before the Civil War, the principal forms of money in the United States were not only gold and silver coins but also paper notes, called banknotes, issued by private banks. Today, you use not only coins and dollar bills issued by the government as money, but also checks written on accounts held at banks. Money has been different things at different times; however, it has always been important to people and to the economy. To understand the effects of money on the economy, we must understand exactly what money is. In this chapter, we develop precise definitions by exploring the functions of money, looking at why and how it promotes economic efficiency, tracing how its forms have evolved over time, and examining how money is currently measured.

What Is Quality Management

20 Сентября 2013, доклад

Quality management, also known as quality control, is a system used by all types of businesses all around the world. This type of management system can help any type of business provide consumers with the best product and/or service possible by coordinating its activities, which leads to an increase in its effectiveness and efficiency. There are many different types of quality management systems utilized by businesses. Through these types of systems, a business can monitor and measure the quality of its products and/or services being offered to consumers. An effective quality management system helps a business to increase its competitive edge, augment its organizational development, highlight its customer satisfaction, and more.

What Is Success?

24 Февраля 2012, доклад

Success is about getting all that you wanted to have. It's finding that you have achieved your goals or fulfilled your plans and it's waking up in the morning feeling victorious rather than feeling defeated.

What is the difference between man and women?

05 Ноября 2013, сочинение

What is the difference between man and women? It seems like simple question, so most of the people will say that the difference is particularly in physiology, appearance (phenotype), genotype and gene. This is only biological view that gender differences are natural, constant and based on sex difference. Another approach supposes that gender does not associate with sex. It connects with the way of person either masculine or feminine behavior. It is also believed that there is no connection in being a man and behaving in a masculine way. This essay will examine different kinds of masculinities based on some main characters from the Billy Elliot movie.

Why Are There Two Court Systems in the United States?

28 Мая 2013, доклад

The judicial system in the United States is unique and complex insofar as it is actually made up of two different court systems: the federal court system and the state court systems. While each court system is responsible for hearing certain types of cases, neither is completely independent of the other, and the systems often interact. Furthermore, solving legal disputes and vindicating legal rights are key goals of both court systems.

Why you would study in the Usa

12 Января 2013, творческая работа

Once little girl was watching a film. There was nothing special with that movie. Scenes changed, faces changed. But suddenly one shot flashed which made the girl’s heart throb. Just four seconds of great city with plenty of skyscrapers. But it was not skyscrapers that made the girl shaken by. She felt there was something unusual with that city. It was full of natural colors and living! “What is this city?” – the girl asked her mother. “It is the capital of the United States of America, Washington, my dear,’ – answered the mother. It was my first meeting with the USA

Winter sports

19 Апреля 2012, доклад

Winter sports — set of the sports spent on snow or on ice, that is mainly in the winter. The basic winter sports are included into the program of Winter Olympic games. The collective name of sports (sports) on the fads, skis and various type sledge competitions on which are spent on ice and snow.

Zinātniski publicisko rakstu analīze marketingā

24 Апреля 2013, творческая работа

Uzņēmēja dzīve ir pilnīgi pakārtojusies tirgus ekonomikas nosacījumiem. Katram cilvēkam ir nepieciešams apmierināt savu izsalkumu vai slāpes (nepieciešamība pēc pārtikas), vajadzīgs apģērbs, mājoklis un drošības garantijas (lai būtu darbs, veselības un vecumdienu nodrošinājums, fiziskā drošība utt.). Bez tam, parādās arī izteiktas luksus nepieciešamības - kažokādas, dārgs auto vai smalki dzērieni. Tā visa iegūšanai ir vajadzīgs noteikts līdzekļu daudzums, kas, diemžēl vienmēr ir nepietiekošs, lai varētu apmierināt visas radušās nepieciešamības. Rodas pamatproblēma, kā izdevīgāk un lietderīgāk sadalīt katra rīcībā esošos deficītos līdzekļus starp dažādām alternatīvām, vai, ekstremālā situācijā, visus līdzekļus ieguldīt viena vienīga mērķa sasniegšanai. Tas noteiks katra indivīda tālāko saimniecisko darbību.

"Наш город станет лучше, если..."

19 Ноября 2014, сочинение

I like this town and, of course, I wish that it will be developed, prosperous, bigger, richer and more wonderful. But, what can it make better?! I think, that first of all, we must learn to love our town properly. We, citizens of this town, should realize our altitude to the town. Our president in his message «Казахстанский путь – 2050» told, that we should develop our country. But we know, that great things start with small ones. Therefore we must begin with every city, village and every person. If we want to make our town better, every person must carry his own contribution.

"Перевод: его сущность и виды" и "Специфика художественного перевода"

22 Апреля 2012, курсовая работа

Цель и задачи определили следующую структуру работы:
· Введение
· Основная часть
· Заключение