Лингвокультурологический компонент в дистанционном обучении иностранному языку

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Ноября 2012 в 16:58, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Цель курсовой работы – исследование особенностей формирования лингвокультурологической компетенции студентов в процессе дистанционного обучения английскому языку.
Актуальность и цель обусловили выполнение следующих задач:
- раскрыть понятие «лингвокультурология», содержание и структуру лингвокультурологической компетенции;
- рассмотреть межкультурную коммуникацию как модель содержания обучения в процессе формирования лингвокультурологической компетенции;


Глава 1. Лингвокультурологический компонент в обучении иностранному языку……………………………………………………………….............................6
1.1. Характерные признаки лингвострановедческого компонента содержания обучения иностранным языкам………………...…………………….6
1.2. Реалии в культуре и языке……………………………………………….10
1.3. Межкультурная коммуникация как модель обучения при формировании лингвокультурологической компетенции ……………………....11
Выводы по Главе 1…………………………………………………………….16
Глава 2. Лингвокультурологический компонент в дистанционном обучении иностранному языку………………………………………………………………..17
2.1. Характеристика дистанционного обучения…………………………….17
2.2. Преимущества и недостатки дистанционного обучения.……………...18
2.3. Обобщение опыта дистанционного обучения студентов ГГПИ в США…………………………………………………………………………………20
2.4.Лингвокультурологический компонент в дистанционном обучении школьников…………………………………………………………………………23
Выводы по Главе 2...………………………………………………………......28
Список литературы……………………………………………………………30

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Названия городов: Washington – Вашингтон, San-Francisco – Сан-Франциско, Los-Angeles – Лос-Анджелес, Detroit - Детройт, Chicago - Чикаго, Phoenix - Феникс, Dallas - Даллас

Название острова: Manhattan island – остров Манхэттен


Задание 3 (лексическое): из синонимической пары слов выбрать слово американского варианта английского языка.

  1. gas – petrol
  2. holiday – vacation
  3. underground – subway
  4. sneakers – trainers
  5. cell phone – mobile phone
  6. prison – jail
  7. candy – sweets
  8. can (eg of beans) – tin
  9. test – quiz
  10. movie – film



  1. gas – бензин (амер), газ (бр)
  2. vacation – каникулы (амер), отпуск (бр)
  3. subway – тоннель (бр), метро (амер)
  4. sneakers – кроссовки (амер)
  5. cell phone – сотовый телефон (амер)
  6. prison – jail
  7. candy – sweets
  8. can (eg of beans) – tin
  9. test – quiz
  10. movie – film



Целью данного задания является познакомить учеников с некоторыми словами, представляющими американский вариант английского языка.

Данный комплекс заданий отправляется обучающемуся по электронной почте, он выполняет задания и отправляет ответы. Учитель проверяет, корректирует, отправляет в ответном письме свои замечания и исправленную работу и ставит оценку за проделанную работу.
























Выводы по Главе 2

Дистанционное обучение открывает ученикам доступ к нетрадиционным источникам информации, повышает эффективность самостоятельной работы, дает совершенно новые возможности для творчества, обретения и закрепления различных профессиональных навыков, а преподавателям позволяет реализовывать новые формы и методы обучения, о чем свидетельствует обобщение опыта дистанционного обучения в Канзасском университете Джонсон студентов ГГПИ, представленного в данной курсовой работе.

При этом дистанционное обучение, наряду с преимуществами, имеет и  свои недостатки. Во- первых, эффективным дистанционное обучение может быть только для мотивированного ученика, который сам стремится к получению знаний. Во-вторых, пока невозможно проверить, кто действительно выполняет все тесты и задания без посторонней помощи и опоры на словари (если задания проверочного типа). И, наконец, отсутствует непосредственный контакт между учеником и учителем.

















В данной курсовой работе рассмотрен лингвокультурологический компонент при дистанционном обучении иностранному языку.

Лингвокультуорологическая компетенция  – знания о культуре, истории, реалиях и традициях страны изучаемого языка.

В ходе анализа литературы выявлена связь лингвокультурологической компетенции с понятиями «культура» и «коммуникация». Культура рассматривается как сущностная характеристика человека, связанная с человеческой способностью целенаправленного преобразования окружающего мира, в ходе которого создается искусственный мир вещей, символов, а также связей и отношений между людьми.

В нашем современном мире инновационных  технологий все более популярным становится дистанционное обучение. Изучение опыта дистанционного обучения в ГГПИ показало его эффективность.

Учебники по иностранному языку  практически не знакомят учеников с  культурой Америки. Решить эту проблему может помочь курс дистанционного обучения иностранному языку, при этом задания  должны включать лингвокультурологический компонент. В данной работе представлена примерная подборка заданий. Целью первого и второго заданий является знакомство с такой страной, как Америка, с ее географическими и культурными особенностями, т.е. знакомство с реалиями данной страны. Целью третьего задания является знакомство учеников с американским вариантом английского языка. Данные задания способствуют не только улучшению языковых умений, но и расширению общего кругозора. При этом, обучаясь дистанционно, ученик может выполнять задания в любое удобное для него время, не перегружая себя.





Список  литературы

  1. Астапова Н.О. Лингвистические аспекты межкультурной коммуникации. - Барнаул, 2007. – с. 21.
  2. Вежбицкая А.Л. Язык. Культура. Познание: Пер. с англ. - М.: Рус. словари, 1996. – 147 c.
  3. Вопросы филологии и методики обучения иностранному языку: Международный сборник студенческих научных работ (статьи, сочинения) по итогам научно-исследовательской деятельности в 2006/2007 уч. году./ под ред. Широких В.М., Калининой Е.Э., Копковой Е.В. – Глазов: Изд-во Глазов. гос. пед. ин-та, 2007. – 66 с.
  4. Гальскова, Н. Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам: пособие для учителя. - М.: АРКТИ, 2003. – 216 с.
  5. Гусева Е.Н., Коробков Р.И. Информатика: учебное пособие. - ГОУ ВПО «Магнитогорский государственный университет», 2008. – 211 с.
  6. Дергачева Т.Г. Дистанционное обучение иностранным языкам в техническом вузе / Т.Г. Дергачева // Язык и методика его преподавания. III республиканская научно-практическая конференция: Сб. статей. – Казань: Центр инновационных технологий, 2001. – 137 с.
  7. Леонтьев А. А. Потребности, мотивы, эмоции. Конспект лекций. - М.: Издательство МГУ, 1971. – 139 с.
  8. Маслова В.А. Введение в лингвокультурологию. -М: Наследие, 1997. - 206
  9. Маслова В.А. Лингвокультурология. - М.: Академия, 2001.-208 с.
  10. Нарымбетова Ж. С. Формирование лингвокультурологической компетенции будущего учителя иностранных языков в контексте его подготовки к межкультурной коммуникации (английский язык, языковой вуз): Каз. ун-т международных отношений и мировых языков. - Алматы: 2009 - 23 с.


  1. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка: справочное пособие / под ред. Е. А. Маслыко. - Минск.: «Высшая школа», 2001. – 189 с.
  2. Практикум по методике преподавания иностранных языков: учеб. пособие для студентов пед. ин-тов / под ред. К. Н. Суворова. - М.: 2007. – 113 с.
  3. Разумова Е. В. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в высших учебных заведениях - М.: Просвещение, 2006. - с. 94.
  4. Смирнов Ф.О. Интернет-общение на английском и русском языках: опыт лингвокультурного сопоставления /Ф.О. Смирнов. – Ярославль: ЯрГУ, 2006. – 198 с.
  5. Томахин Г. Д. Лингвострановедение. Что это такое? // ИЯШ. - 1996. - №6 – 7 с.
  6. Томахин Г. Д. Реалии в языке и культуре// ИЯШ. - 1997. - №5 – 11 с.
  7. Томахин Г.Д. Фоновые знания как основной предмет лингвострановедения// ИЯШ.  - 1995. - №3 – 10 с.
  8. Internet Gurus Central, http://www.net.gurus.com/
  9. Online курсы английского языка компании Language Link, http://ll.dli.com/
  10. World Internet Usage Statistics News and Population Stats, http://www.internetworldstats.com/






Приложение 1
















Приложение 2

Сочинение автора данной курсовой работы с исправлениями профессора Канзасского университета Keith Geekie (в квадратных скобках)

Assignment 2: My Media Habits

When I was a little girl, it was so easy to live. [I LIKE YOUR OPENING SENTENCE.  IT IS VERY MUCH A UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE, I THINK] We had no internet (it means no chat rooms, no social networks), no cell phones… What we needed to be happy were just TV, radio and our fixed telephone at home [IN AMERICAN ENGLISH WE CALL THIS “A LAND LINE”] . But times change, and I remember this day when everything became different. [GREAT.  I LIKE THE WAY YOU ARE SETTING UP THE ESSAY TO TELL A STORY.]

It was late spring, May. I was in the seventh form. [IN AMERICAN ENGLISH WE CALL THEM “GRADES” – WE HAVE FIRST THROUGH EIGHTH GRADE.  AND THEN THE GRADES IN HIGH SCHOOL GO BY YEARS: FRESHMAN YEAR, SOPHOMORE YEAR, JUNIOR YEAR AND SENIOR YEAR]  My parents handed me a surprise in [A] case of [FOR] my birthday, and they bought a cell phone. It was a simple one: [A] black-and-white screen, two games, a poor variety of functions, [AND] no internet. Anyway, it was my introduction to the modern life. Firstly, I used my cell very rarely just  to connect with my parents and some friends (because not every friend of mine had a cell phone) and to play games. And I was happy.[THAT’S GREAT!]

In two years my parents bought me another cell phone with a wide range of functions. And now I was able to listen to music, to play, to talk on it, and also it had the internet. I had heard a lot about the internet, but actually had never faced it. And one day it became available for me. I used it for downloading pictures and music and reading some world news. [YES, INDEED. WELCOME TO THE WORLD, RIGHT THERE ON YOUR PHONE!]

When I was in the tenth form, my classmates acquainted me with ICQ. It is some kind of the chat. Now it became very easy to make friends, to communicate and, for a wonder, to love. In a year, we bought a computer, and from this time I became an active internet user. I was involved in several social networks and chats. And from day to day I met more and more new people. It seemed to me that I had so many friends. But it was just my imagination, as I understood later. I was disappointed at it. But how did it happen? [YES, I’M NOT SURE THAT INTERNET FRIENDS ARE “REAL” FRIENDS]

More than once I noticed that my virtual friends are different in the reality. In the virtual world they are better and more ideal than in the real life, where they can have bad habits,  not attractive,[BE UNATTRACTIVE] , [HAVE AN] untidy appearance, [POSSESS A] rude voice or [A] horrible character.  Actually they are not ready to be friends, to help you when you are in trouble, to listen to you when you need a support.[THIS IS SO TRUE.  YOU MIGHT WANT TO USE AN EXAMPLE OR TWO HERE TO HELP YOU SUPPORT YOUR POINT]

When people do not have the internet, it was [IS] easier to find a true friend. The friendship was [IS] more natural. To connect at a distance, people bought envelopes and wrote letters to each other. And they put their whole soul into it. But it took a lot of time. [I’M NOT SURE YOU HAVE QUITE COMPLETED YOUR COMPARISON HERE]

Our century is the century of modern technologies, which make our life [LIVES] faster and easier. Now  almost everybody has a cell. Everybody can  connect with you everywhere. It is not difficult. People do not need to spend long hours staying at home and waiting for an important call from the fixed telephone.[A LAND LINE]  So  it saves a lot of time.

On the one hand, I am not delighted with the modern means of connection. Very often it disappoints me. But on the other hand, I cannot imagine my life without it. It is like a drug. For example, when I am travelling it is really hard to connect with my friends and relatives. And it makes me feel alone and isolated from the whole world. I do not want to be back to the previous life without these modern conveniences. I am in [HAVE] the media habit.





Приложение 3

Сочинение автора данной курсовой работы с исправлениями  профессора Канзасского университета Keith Geekie (в квадратных скобках)

Angelica Tronina 

Composition III 

Assignment 3: My Language

I would like to tell you about my language. Actually, I speak not only one language but several.

The first language which I was faced was Udmurt. It is the language of my native Udmurt republic.[Republic –ALL THE WORDS IN A PROPER NAME ARE CAPITALIZED] My parents,[AND]  almost all my relatives speak this language. By its structure it is very close to Finnish. So people from my republic can go to Finland without any difficulties. I began studying this language at the first form.[IN AMERICAN ENGLISH WE WOULD SAY “THE FIRST GRADE”] It was not hard for me to study this language because I heard it everywhere.[WHERE IN UDMURTIA DID YOU GROW UP THAT YOU HEARD THE LANGUAGE SO OFTEN?]

In a year, when I was at the second form, I began studying English. I can hardly remember how was it for me, difficult or not. I remember just one thing[:] that I was interested in it. It was a great pleasure to speak [A] foreign language and to understand foreign speech. And from this time I was studying two languages: English and Udmurt. I always mixed these languages – I used words from one language in the other.[THAT’S GREAT!  HERE YOU MIGHT HAVE EVEN USED SOME EXAMPLES.  IS UDMURT WRITTEN IN THE LATIN ALPHABET?]

When I was a schoolgirl [IN AMERICAN ENGLISH WE SELDOM USE THIS PHRASE.  WE SAY “WHEN I WAS A SECOND GRADER” OR “WHEN I WAS IN GRADE SCHOOL” OR “WHEN I WAS A STUDENT”] I settled [DECIDED] to connect my future life with languages. And after graduating from school[,][19a] I entered Glazov State teachers’ training [Teachers’ Training] College. I chose the faculty of foreign languages without any doubt.[SECOND THOUGHTS]  In the second year of my study I began studying German. Firstly,[AT FIRST]  I did not like it because it seemed to me too rude and too difficult for understanding. But from day to day [DAY BY DAY] it became easier and easier. And now I can say that I know German quite well, though I have some problems with grammar.

As you see, actually I speak four languages: Russian, Udmurt, English and German. Russian is my native one, and I have a Russian accent. I can not get rid of it. It is my nature. So most of all I speak Russian.[THAT’S GREAT!]

They say that judging by the speech [BY THE WAY PEOPLE TALK] we can find out some information about the relationship between speakers.[THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS]  I completely agree with it. I, personally, speak in [A] different way with different people. With people, who are close to me, I speak in a soft, relaxed voice. I can tell them everything, and, as a rule, I tell them everything in details and [I AM] very emotional. But talking with strange people, I can not tell them everything, I feel some constraint. Fortunately, I can easily find the common language with strangers,[;][COMMA SPLICE] that’s why I have many friends. I like talking with them. They say that I have a good sense of humor, and that I am a good storyteller.[WHAT KINDS OF THINGS DO YOU LIKE TO TALK ABOUT AND WHAT SORTS OF STORIES DO YOU LIKE TO TELL?  YOU COULD USE SOME SPECIFIC EXAMPLES EHRE]  Usually[,] my speech is very emotional. The speed [TONE?] of my speech is neither high, nor low. It is normal and quite understandable. Some people speak too [SO] fast that it is really difficult to understand them.

Actually, I do not have favorite topics. I can keep [PARTICIPATE IN] any conversation. Anyway, most of all I like talking about myself. My life is full of adventures and I always have much to tell. I cannot live without talking. Several days ago I was in such situation that I had no electricity at home, my laptop and my phone did not work because of the lack of energy,[POWER] [WE SAY THAT THE “POWER IS OUT” WHEN THERE IS NO ELECTRICITY]  and there was nobody at home. I felt really isolated. I needed to talk with somebody. I tried to do it with my pets but it did not work because they can just listen.[GOOD POINT! MY OWN DOG ZOE, HOWEVER, TALKS BACK TO ME. ]  So I understood again that I cannot do without talking.

Many people like talking with me. I am a good listener. When a person has some problems, he always needs to share it. And I am ready to listen to everybody. I wanted to be a psychologist, but I chose another way. [PERHAPS YOU CAN GIVE SOME EXAMPLES EHRE]

As for my speaking style, it differs from other people. My speech is very emotional. I like playing with words, composing new funny words. I imbibe like a sponge all things which seem interesting to me. For example, I can copy the tone of voice of the other people which I like. [THAT’S PROBABLY ONE OF THE REASONS YOU ARE STUDYING LANGUAGES.] I laugh a lot and smile. It always attracts people. I do not like arguing,[;] [COMMA SPLICE] I prefer to avoid it. I have read many books in psychology, so I know how to influence people by the means of speech: smile, be friendly, do not tell them about their mistakes, call him by his name, [CALL THEM BY THEIR NAMES] compliment.

But the communication in the reality differs from the virtual communication. I do not like talking on the internet. I do not see people’s faces, do not see their reaction. The virtual speech is less emotional. I prefer the real [FACE-TO-FACE] communication.

As I have said, I like talking. My speaking style is very specific. But almost everybody likes it. I am not against new acquaintances,[;] I am always open to new people and to new discussions.

Ответное  слово профессора Keith Geekie на данное сочинение:

Hello!  It’s certainly great that you are learning so many languages!  You must have a good ear and a wonderful memory.  That takes a lot of practice.  Does your dad speak Udmurt at home?  I can’t quite tell if you learned Russian or Udmurt when you were very small.  Did you learn both at once?  Also were you raised in the Udmurt culture?  If you were, that’s certainly interesting and you might tell us more about that in the essay.  Your essay is very friendly and nicely written.  Overall, there are a few places where you might have used a few examples so that your reader can really visualize what you are describing.






Информация о работе Лингвокультурологический компонент в дистанционном обучении иностранному языку