Game technology as a tool of developing interest in foreign language learning

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 29 Апреля 2015 в 11:30, курсовая работа

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At present time the problem of increased psycho-emotional stress on students. Application of game forms of training helps to reduce pressure on the students' information. During the game, the child unconsciously possessed training material training opportunities for games has long been known. Many prominent educators rightly drawn attention to the effectiveness of games in the learning process. And this is understandable.


1. Theoretical aspects of technologies of foreign language teaching.
1.1 Effective technologies of foreign language teaching.
1.2 The use of games in teaching of foreign language.
2. Game technology as a tool of developing interest in foreign language learning
2.1 Classification of games
2.2 Disclosure of the concept of the game
2.3 The classification of educational games in a foreign language learning
Appendix 3

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2. Using what you found in common, write your own definition for a fairy tale.


Debate Activities




This is a well known theatre exercise which is extremely effective for encouraging controlled but spontaneous interaction in ESL classes.


Begin by presenting a list of debate expressions such as those listed.


Model a discussion. Choose yourself as conductor and 4 other students to be conducted. First, the conductor presents a topic. He then selects a student and an expression for the continuation of the discussion.

Conductor: Elephants shouldn't be allowed into Bangkok. Student B "Furthermore"

Student B: Furthermore, the government should fine their owners.

Conductor: Student A "On the other hand"

Student A: On the other hand, people in Bangkok are very generous when they see elephants.

Conductor: Student C "For example".

Student C: For example, when they see elephants they feel compassion and give them food and money.

Conductor: Student D "You may have a point".

Student D: You may have a point. Nevertheless, the pollution and traffic are terrible for the elephants' health.


To reinforce the use of these expressions further, follow this activity by a debate or writing exercise

Project method Activity

№1. My Favorites. Children prepare at home material (press-cuttings, pictures) which illustrates their interests, hobbies. At the lesson on the lists of colour paper they design the album where every pupil tells about his favourite things and pastime (about favourite colour, sport, town, etc.)



№2. Picture poem. Children are suggested to draw picture - poem, so that its shape is concerned with its meaning.


Рiс. 2.


№3. Washing Line. Children draw different kinds of clothes, write the names on it and then hang them on the clothes-line with the help of the pegs.



Housemates Role plays


Duration: 20-25 min

Aim: Oral fluency practice; politely disagreeing

Summary: Two housemates try to resolve their conflicts.


This short role play activity requires no materials apart from a blackboard. The situation is actually role played twice, with some phrases for "politely disagreeing" introduced before the second round. The idea behind this is that the first round will hopefully help the students realise the importance of being polite in order to avoid arguments, and so they will be more receptive to the new language which helps them achieve this.


Write this on the blackboard before the activity:


* I can't live without music!

* I have a bad memory.

* I'm a bit short of money right now.


* I can't concentrate on my study.

* I'm always tripping over your things.

* Didn't we agree to take turns buying food?





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