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(1)Synonyms are usually defined as words belonging to one part of speech,close in meaning and interchangeable in some contexts.Synonyms are characterized by either semantic relations of equivalence or by the semantic relations of proximity.The degree of semantic proximity is best of all estimated in terms of the aspects of meaning(the denotational,the connotational,the pragmatic aspect)The highest degree of proximity’s observed in synonyms which have similar denotational aspects but differ either in the connotational or the pragmatic aspect of meaning.There’re:Stylistic synonymy-implies no interchangeability in context because the underlying situations are different.They’re smilar in the denotational aspect,but different in the pragmatic(and connotational)[dad-father].Ideographic synonymy-presents a still lower degree of semantic proximity and is observed when the connotational and the pragmatic aspects are similar,but there’re certain differences in the denotational aspect of meaning of 2 words[shape-form].Ideographic - stylistic synonymy-is characterized by the lowest degree of semantic proximity.They differ both in the denotational and the connotational(and pragmatic)aspects[ask-inquire].Synonymic dominant is the most general term containing the specific features rendered by all the other members of the synonymic group.[leave-depart-quit](2)Lexical sets-words denoting different things correlated on extralinguistic  grounds.(lion,tiger,cat-the animals of the cat family).Such classes of words are terminological sets.Words describing different sides of one and the same general notion are united in a lexico-semantic group if a) the underlying notion is not too generalized(like the notions of ‘time’,’ space’,’ life’). b)the reference to the underlying notion is not just an implication in the meaning of the lexical unit but forms an essential part in its semantics.Semantic fields:common theme for all included words.The members of the semantic fields are joined together by some common semantic component(the common dominator of meaning)[cosmonaut,to orbit-space]

15. Antonymy.Classification of Antonyms.

Antonyms-a class of words grouped together on the basis of the semantic relations of opposition.Antonyms are words belonging to one part of speech sharing certain common semantic characteristics and in this respect they’re similar to such semantic classes as synonyms,lexical sets,lexico-semantic groups.Structurally,antonyms can be divided into antonyms of the same root(cheerful- cheerless)and antonyms of different roots(day-night).Semantically,antonyms may be classified into contradictories,contraries and incompatibles.Contradictories-represent the type of semantic relations that exist between pairs like,f.ex.dead-alive.Contradictory antonyms are mutually opposed.Contraries are antonyms that can be arranged into a series according to the increasing difference in one of their qualities.Contraries’re gradable antonyms.They can have intermediate elements (cold-[warm]-hot).Incompatibles-are antonyms which are characterized by the relations of exclusion.Semantic relations of incompatibility exist among antonyms with a common component of meaning and may be described as the reverse of hyponymy(to say morning’s to say not afternoon)

16(1)The main variants of the Engl.language(2)Variants of English in the U.K/(3)outside the British Isles:American English.Cockney.Black English.

(1)In modern linguistics the distinction is made between Standard English and territorial variants and local dialects of the Engl.language.Standard English(SE) is a form of English which is current and literary,substantially uniform and recognized as acceptable wherever English is spoken and understood.SE is the variety most widely accepted and understood either within an English-speaking country or throughout the entire English-speaking world.Variants of English are regional varieties possessing a literary norm.U.K.-British English,Scottish,Irish.Outside the British isles-American,Canadian,New Zealand,South African,Indian.British English is often referred to the written SE and the pronunciation known as Received Pronunciation(RP).Local dialects are varieties of English peculiar to some districts,used as means of oral communication in small localities-no literary norm.(2)Scottish English is considered the variant of the English language spoken in Scotland.Pronunciation,grammar and lexis differ.3 sourcess of tension affected the development of Scottish English:1)the tension between Scotland and England2)the tension between Scotland and Ireland3)the tension between Protestants and Catholics.Lexical peculiarities:1.some semantic fields are structured differently in Scot.Engl.and in Brit.Engl.2.some words used in Scot.Engl.have equivalents in Brit.Engl.[extortion-blackmail]3.many distinctions of ScE derive from the influence of other languages(Gaelic,Norweigean,French)4.many words in ScE and BrE have the same form but are different in meanings(gate in ScE is ‘road’)5. Some Scottish words and expressions are used and understood across virtually the whole country(wee[small],lassie[girl]) Irish English is considered the variant of the Engl.lang.used in Ireland.It’s divided into Southern and Northern.The Irish Engl.voc.is characterized by:1)the presence of words with the same form as in BrE but different meanings(backward-shy)2)the use of most regionally marked words by older,country people(feasant-affable)3)the presence of nouns taken fr.Irish which often relate either to food or the supernatural(banshee-‘fairy woman’)4)the Gaelic influence on meaning of some words5)the presence of words typical only of Irish Engl.(begorrah-by God)6)the layer of words shared with ScE(ava-at all,greet -cry)(3)Outside the British isles there’re the following variants:American English,Canadian,Australian,New Zealand,South African,Indian.These variants have got literary norm, but have peculiarities in phonetics,spelling,grammar,voc.American English.There’re whole groups of words which belong to American voc.exclusively-americanisms.They’re:1)historical[to guess-to think,sick-ill]2)words which are not likely to be discovered in Brit.voc.[blue-grass-a sort of grass in North America]3)specifically American borrowings[ranch,sombrero]Cockney.Southern dialect in GB.This dialect exists on 2 levels.As spoken by the educated lower middle classes it’s a regional dialect marked by some deviations in pronunciation but few in voc.and syntax.As spoken by the uneducated-differences in pronunc,voc,morphology,syntax.Specific feature-rhyming slang,in which some words are substituted by other words rhyming with them.[boots-daisy roots]’up the pole’-drunk.Black Engl.-african-american vernacular English(Ebonics).It has spread in informal settings.This variety is largely based on the southern American English variety.

17.(1)Political correctness and its influence on the language.(2)Gender issues.

(1)Political correctness means that one should avoid using language which might be interpreted as offensive especially to groups of people who are considered to be disadvantaged or oppressed.Besides sex,the most sensitive domains where linguistic discrimination can be observed are to do with race,age,ecology,and physical or mental personal development.[Invalid>handicapped>disabled>differently-abled>physically challenged,Old age pensioners>senior citizens,Short people>vertically challenged people,Red Indians>Native Americans](2)Gender issues.All these problems are due to sexism(discrimination against one sex,typically men against women).Gender issues’ve become part of the problem of political correctness.In voc,attention has been focused on the replacement of’male’words with a generic meaning by neutral items(Chairman>chairperson (председатель),Spokesman>spokesperson (делегат),Cameraman>camera operator (оператор),Foreman>supervisor (начальник),Fireman>fire fighter(пожарник),Postman>mail carrier(почтальон),Businessman>executive/business woman(бизнесмен>исполнительный директор/бизнес- вумэн),Stewardess>flight attendant(стюардесса),Headmistress>headteacher(директриса))Approaches to the investigation of gender:Critical discourse analysis examines the interaction between language and social structures.Cultural practice theory centers its attention not only on the constitution of cultural meanings,but also on the significance of individual experience as a force in this process.Linguagenderology-an independent branch in linguistic science.

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