The Yosemite National Park

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Ноября 2013 в 20:30, сочинение

Краткое описание

Every year nearly 3 mlns of people visit the Yosemite Park. There are 2 rivers of federal importance (Merced River and Tuolumne River). Yosemite Valley represents only one percent of the park area, but this is where most visitors arrive and stay. The Tunnel View is the first view of the Valley for many visitors and is extensively photographed. El Capitan, a prominent granite cliff that looms over Yosemite Valley, is one of the most popular rock climbing destinations in the world because of its diverse range of climbing routes in addition to its year-round accessibility. Granite domes such as Sentinel Dome and Half Dome rise 3,000 and 4,800 feet (910 and 1,500 m), respectively, above the valley floor.

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