The Real London

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Апреля 2013 в 21:38, творческая работа

Краткое описание

Covent Garden is located in the eastern part of London's Westminster. Once there was a pasture of Westminster Abbey, and later vegetable market.
Market over time has grown in size and moved to the other side of the Thames, and in its place arose trade stalls and boutiques oriented to tourists.
Covent Garden is also known for its mimes and street performers that gather crowds of spectators with fun ideas. Here you can meet and acrobats, and jugglers and clowns, and musicians, and other talented people. Moreover, the crowd not only looks, but also gladly give a trifle funny show, and then wandering talents are really able to entertain and amuse.

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