From ancient London to nowadays one

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Февраля 2013 в 20:46, доклад

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According to Medieval chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth, today’s city of London was founded by Brutus of Troy, a Trojan War hero who named the city Caer Troia (New Troy), giving the British a sense of pride in their ‘mythical’ origin, until the era of the English poet John Milton (1608–1664). The area of London was first settled by the Trinovantes, and later the Romans. It is said that after the town was named Caer Troia, it was renamed CaerLudein by King Lud in 73 BC, which was eventually changed to ‘London’. Geoffrey adorned the history of ancient London with many legendary kings and myths.

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