Theoretical basis of a role plays as a teaching aid

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 11:00, курсовая работа

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Learning a foreign language is on the first place at the present stage of education development. Teaching a foreign language is a complex set of practical, educational and educational objectives. Training covers the different types of language material (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics), also the practical skills are being imparted, students develop language skills, their logical thinking, self-educated and creative activity Knowledge of a foreign language – gives the ability to use language in real life..


Introduction …...……………………………………………………………………...1
1. Theoretical basis of a role plays as a teaching aid.
1.1 Historic background of game origin
1.2Psychological value of a role plays
1.3Gaming technique
1.4Functions and principles of game organization
1.5 Advantages of a game. …………..………………………3
2. Classification of role plays 11
The practical impact of the research of game influence ………………………….…..17
Conclusion ……………….…………………………….…………………….……………….19

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 Thus, a holistic, cohesive application of principles of effective organization of play activities can ensure a high didactic, educational and developmental impact on the players.




      1.4 Advantages of the playing method

The objectives of the game are more consistent with the practical needs of students This form of educational process removes the contradiction between the abstract nature of an academic subject and the real nature of professional activity, systemic nature of used knowledge  and their belonging to different disciplines. The method allows to connect a wide coverage of issues and depth of their comprehension. Game forms the logic of activities, includes the time of social interaction, prepars for professional communication. The game component contributes the greater involvement of students   The game is full of feedback, and it is more informative than traditional used methods    The game generated set of professional activity, helps to overcome stereotypes. Traditional methods assume the dominance of the intellectual sphere, the game shows the whole personality. Method triggers the inclusion of reflexive processes, provides a possible interpretation, comprehension of the results. The experience gained in the game, it may be even more productive in comparison with the acquired in professional activities.


1.5 Characteristics of the main types of games, their classification and structural elements.

 A game as the specific activities is not simple  Each type of game performs its function in development.

Games can be divided into two types. The composition of the first type s consists of: game  experiment and plot game, the  - story-educational game , subject-role game, and theatrical game. This class of games is the most productive for the development of intellectual initiative and creativity of the child, which appear in the formulation of new game problems, for the emergence of new motives and activities. [25, c. 12]


             The second type  includes teaching games  (didactic  and others), which include  entertainment, games, entertainment, intellectual games.

           Educational and developmental value of these games is huge They shape the culture of the game, and help  to assimilate social norms and rules, and, they are,  the foundation of the amateur game in which students can creatively use the gained knowledge [26, c. 6]

             Educational games is a kind of game with rules specially created by school for training and education. Educational games aimed at solving specific problems in learning, but at the same time, they gain an educational and developmental impact of gaming activities.

   Typically, they require the student's ability to decipher, to unravel, - to know the subject.   The more skillful  didactic game is made, the most skillfully the didactic purpose hidden A schoolboy learns unintentionally, involuntarily playing to handle knowledge nested in a game .

 Didactic games cause the student interest to the subject , allows us to develop individual abilities of each student, fosters cognitive activity. The value of a didactic game is not determined by what kind of reaction it causes on the part of children, and the effectiveness in solving a particular problem in relation to each student ..

      Thus, we can define the purpose of application of the technology game forms of training - Sustainable development of cognitive interest in students through a variety of game forms of learning [27, c. 17-20]

* Objectives


  • To promote a lasting student assimilation of educational material
  • To promote the expansion of students’ horizons s through the use of additional sources

 Developing :

  • To develop students' creative thinking
  • To promote the practical application of skills  acquired in the classroom


  • To raise the moral attitudes and beliefs
  • To encourage the upbringing of  self-developing and self-fulfilling individual

     Didactic game has a certain structure that characterizes the game as a form of learning and playing activities. There are the following structural components of the didactic game:

1) didactic task;:

2) gaming activities

3) rules of the game;

4) result

            The didactic task is determined by the purpose of training and educational impact  It is formed by a teacher, and displays its educational activities [28, c. 26].

            The Gaming task is carried out by children  The didactic task in a didactic game is implemented through a game problem. It determines the gaming activities of a child .

            Gaming action is  the basis of the game  The more diverse gaming activities, the more fun for children and the game itself is more successfully deals with  cognitive and game problems

            In various games, gaming activities are different in their orientation with respect to the players.  This, for example, role of, guessing riddles, spatial transformation, etc.  They are connected with the game plan and come out of it  Gaming activities are a means of implementing a game plan, but also include activities aimed at fulfilling the didactic task.

      Gaming activities are a means of implementing a game plan, but also include activities aimed at fulfilling the didactic task. In the lesson we should include clear and specific images. If students do not see the pictures, they  learn a verbal language, devoid of life content, which are quickly forgotten Game forms of training like no other technology facilitates the use of different ways to motivate

           Motives for communication:

         1. Students who are jointly solving problems, participating in the game, learn to communicate, consider the opinions of colleagues

        2. In the game, for the solution of collective tasks students  use  their own different capabilities    Children in practical activities  realize the usefulness of the experiment and  think quickly and  work well

        3. Joint emotional distress during the game helps to strengthen interpersonal relationships.

           Moral motives:

        1. In the game, each student can express themselves, their knowledge, skills, character, endurance and stamina, their  attitude towards work and people.

         Cognitive motives:

        1. Each game has a similar result (end of a game) and stimulates the student to achieve the goal (victory) and awareness towards the goal (to know more than others).

        2. In the game the team or individual pupils are initially equal (no standouts and weak students, there are players). The result depends on the player, the level of their preparedness, ability, endurance, skill, character.

       3.Impersonal process of learning the game gets personal values.

        The situation of success creates a favorable backdrop for the emotional development of cognitive interest. Failure is not perceived as a personal defeat, but as  defeat in the game and stimulates cognitive activity (revenge) [31, c. 23].

       Adversarial - an integral part of the game - is attractive to children. The pleasure derived from the game, creats a comfortable condition in the classroom and enhances the desire to learn the subject

        Rules of the game  Their content and focus are driven by common 
tasks - the formation of personality, cognitive content, game challenges and game action.

        In a didactic game rules are given   With the help of the rules the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity and behavior of students  The rules also affect the decision of the didactic tasks - seamlessly limit the actions of the students, direct their attention to the specific task of a subject As a result, the ability to control their, to relate them to the actions of other players actions is developing [32, c. 62-63].

 Rules of a game have teaching, organizing and disciplining nature

 Rules must be used carefully, as not to overload their game, but to use only the necessary one  The introduction of many of the rules, the performance of their enforcement leads to negative results  Excessive discipline decreases in interest in the game and even destroy it, and sometimes causes a cunning ploy to avoid compliance with the rules.

      How to offer games to students  The main task in the proposal of the game is to initiate interest in it, in such a formulation of the question, when the same goals and desires of the student teacher. Gaming receipt of proposals may be oral and written character. The proposal includes an explanation of the game rules, and technology of operations.  Explanation of the game is a very responsible moment. The game should be explained briefly and accurately immediately before the start of In the explanation there is the name of the game, the story of its content, and an explanation of the primary and secondary rules, including the distinction of playing, the explanation of the value of game accessories, etc. [33, c. 28]

        How to devide the class into groups.  and how to distribute roles between the players  Game collective is usually called collective of children, created for the games As we know, there are games that do not require  division into groups, and team games Dividing the collective requires compliance with ethics, accounting, affections, sympathies, antipathies

     The development of a game situation  Under such development, we understand the change of position players, the complexity of the rules of the game, change the situation, an emotion-filled game action, etc. The players socially active as long as none of them did not know until the end all manners of action and carry out their functional tasks in the game. That is the mechanism for providing interest and enjoyment of the game. [34, c. 5-12]


 The basic principles of the game:

  • The lack of any form of coercion in engaging students in the game.
  • The principles of game dynamics
  • The principles of maintaining the game atmosphere (keeping the real sense).
  • The principles of the relationship game and non-game activities. For teachers it is important to transfer point in the main game action in the real life experiences of students.
  • The principles of the transition from simple games to complex gaming forms. The logic of the transition from simple to complex games is associated with the gradual deepening of the diverse content of games and rules - of the game state to game situations, from imitation to the gaming initiative from the local game - a game-complexes from the age of games - to irrevocable  "eternal"

          Summing up - the result is fed immediately after the game This may be scoring, identification of students who met playing better job, the definition of thewinner team , etc. It should be noted achievements of each student, to emphasize the successes behind.

            We should keep  the structural elements during a game.  Since it is with their help we solve teaching problems. Game objectives, actions, rules, game results are interrelated, and the absence of at least one of these components is violating its integrity, reduces educational impact. [35, c.55]

           The relationship between students and teacher  are not determined by the situation, but the play. Students and teachers are members of one game.. In case this condition is violated,  the teacher takes the path of direct instruction.

            Thus, the didactic game is a game only for student , for an adult it  is a way of learning   The purpose of didactic games - to facilitate the transition to the educational goals, make it gradual. From the above it is possible to formulate the basic functions of teaching games:

   - function of a sustainable interest in learning and stress relief;

   - The formation of psychic growth ;

   - function of formation of training activities

   - function of formation  of skills, experience of self work

   - function of developing skills of self-control and self-esteem;

   - function of forming relationships and developing appropriate social roles.

          Thus, didactic game is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon.

   To organize and conduct educational games, we need the following conditions:

   - the presence of a teacher's specific knowledge and skills about teaching games;

   - Expressiveness of the game;

   - The need to include teachers in the game;

   - An optimal combination of entertainment and learning;

   - means and ways to improve students' emotional attitude to the game, must be seen not as an end in itself but as a path leading to the fulfillment of teaching objectives;

   - used in the didactic game visual aid should be simple, accessible and capacious

 The presence of a didactic nature of the problem emphasizes learning character of the game, the orientation of its content on the development of cognitive activity.  In contrast to the direct formulation of the problem in the classroom in a didactic game as it arises and the student of the game problem  The importance of educational games is that it promotes self-sufficiency.

    It is necessary to teach gaming activities . Only under this condition, the game takes on a training character and becomes meaningful.  Training of the is performed  through a trial course of the game.

Successful management of didactic games, above all, provides for the selection of  their program content, a clear definition of objectives, definition of the role and place in the whole educational process, interaction with other games and forms of learning. [36, c. 2-25]

   Didactic games as a form of training is conductedduring the lesson     It is important to establish the right balance between these two forms of learning, to determine their relationship and place in a single pedagogical process  Didactic games sometimes preceded by studies, in this  case their purpose is to attract students' interest in what will be the content of lessons. The game may alternate with classes when necessary to strengthen the independent activities of students, to organize the application of learning styles in gaming activities, summarize, synthesize lessons learned on the material. [37, 576c.]


2. The practical impact of the research of game influence

What is the game for foreign language lessons in terms of both content and mechanism of action?

The game is a little situation, the building of which resembles a dramatic work of its plot, conflict, actors. During the game, the situation is played several times, each time has a new version

But at the same time, the situation of  the game is  a real life situation Thus, we consider the game as a situational variative exercise that raises the possibility for multiple repetition of the speech sample in conditions close to the actual verbal communication with its inherent characteristics - emotionality, spontaneity, action oriented speech effect.


2.1 The objectives of case studies

Apply to the practice of teaching foreign languages ​​and to check on the effectiveness of our developed games


  1. Create and conduct a series of role play games
  2. Prove the effectiveness of using role play games  at foreign language lessons;
  3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of role play games



1. «Traveling»

 Example of a game «Traveling» in a group Let us assume that the group consists of 10 students     The level of students’ knowledge is pre intermediate


           1.  To develop speech and self-activity of pupils, the development of dialogue speech.

 2.  To elaborate of of structures of persuation and overpersuation

           3.   To increase the motivation of language learning



1. Equipment



3. The course of the lesson

Role play

1. Cards - situations

2. Cards - the countries






The classroom should be divided into areas There are five areas - the five countries To split the group  into pairs, 10 students - 5 pairs. Each pair begins her "tour" with a specific country Task: To make a dialogue, moving around . There is a new situation in every country There are 25 Thus, 5 pairs have 5 dialogues. The students are given a certain period of time – 5 min for  a dialogue , during which time they have to speak. After the time is up everyone  stops, and each pair says their situation to the whole group and summarizes to what conclusion  they came. Thus, visiting five countries around the world, playing in every country on the situation, the students have learned all the 25 cases At the end of the lesson to summarize evrything








Dialogues for  are given in Appendix














 At the end of the game «Traveling» students were given  the questionnaire. In their responses, students should note that they liked or did not like to play in the classroom.


2. Country study

An example of the game «Country study» as «quiz show» in Group Presumably there were 12 students in the group at the lesson Students have already attended a course of lectures on the subject, and they have some knowledge in the field "Country".


1. Revision / consolidation of the studied material, exam preparation; 
2. Increasing of  the motivation of learning a foreign language.








2. The course of the lesson

Role play


1. The playing field

2. Chips

3. Dice


 The game is played in a competition.

 Students are divided into four groups. For each team there is own version of the questions that are arranged in a "snake" but every ‘snake’ goes to one finish. The presence of four different variants of questions  helps to avoid a repetition of the same questions issues in other groups.   Students take turn throwing dice, make the number of steps fallen on the field and answer the question of geography. If the student answered incorrectly, they returned to their original positions. The winner is the team, which will make the least mistakes, and the first pass away to the finish ..









См. в приложении вопросы для  ПИ.






After the lesson students were given  questionnaires in which they express their opinion about the game.






 Game - it is learning in action, which significantly raises the quality of education.

The game requires a full commitment from the participants and their reaction as verbal, nonverbal and means in this situation The game uses their knowledge and skills acquired during training, that is, their total stock of knowledge and skills.

 The game has an element of surprise ("shock moments"), with which so many students meet  in the process of real communication. During the game, as in real communication, participants must listen carefully to each other, because they do not know in advance what their partners will say, they must think quickly and respond to cues of their classmates.

 During the game there is an emotional lift, which is extremely positive effect on the quality of education.

 The game has a stable structure of didactic

 Games specifically designed for language learning, contribute to a lasting memorizing individual expressions and grammatical structures as a result of frequent repetition of the replica, and therefore can be used to reinforce vocabulary and grammar skills.

Using games in the learning process  - submits material in a more "comfortable" for the students’ assimilation  if meet certain requirements (availability of images, sounds ).






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