The types of flowers

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Декабря 2012 в 10:34, творческая работа

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VIOLET (vi’olut) is a large genus of flower that has about 400 species. Mythology says that it was Aphrodite’s sacred flower. It has been known since earliest times and was the symbol of the ancient city of Athens. North America has the greatest number of species. It has been named the state flower of Wisconsin, Illinois, New Jersey, and Rhode Island.

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The types of flowers


Ablaeva Inna

3 - 97







  • VIOLET (vi’olut) is a large genus of flower that has about 400 species. Mythology says that it was Aphrodite’s sacred flower. It has been known since earliest times and was the symbol of the ancient city of Athens. North America has the greatest number of species. It has been named the state flower of Wisconsin, Illinois, New Jersey, and Rhode Island.







  • Rose is one of the most beautiful of all flowers. It is a symbol of fragrance and loveliness. Its name calls to mind pictures of the sweetbrier, or wild rose, the loveliest wild flower of the country roadsides. No other flower has been mentioned so often by the poets of all ages and all countries. In the language of flowers its blossoms have always been the symbol of love.







  • Poets have been inspired by the daisy.  The daisy takes its name from the early English description of the Bower as “day’s eye”—meaning that its petals close at dusk and open at daybreak to disclose the large eye or center. It belongs to the largest plant family in the world, the composite. It numbers among its more than 10000 members the chrysanthemum, dahlia, sunflower, aster, and dandelion.







  •  Their flowers (except for rare double forms) have three sepals and three petals so nearly alike that all six often are called petals. True lilies have underground bulbs made of overlapping scales which contain stored food.
  • Lilies (chiefly lily bulbs) have served as human food in many countries. The ancient Greeks and Romans used some kinds in making certain salves and ointments. Lilies appeared as pottery decorations, in paintings, and in other forms of art hundreds of years ago. Species from many lands are cultivated in a number of countries, especially in Europe. From them, plant growers have developed popular hybrids and varieties of many colors and shapes, suited to different climates and uses.







  • IRIS is a flowering plant that has been commonly confused with the lily.
  • In Egypt the iris was regarded with reverence. It is named for the Greek goddess of the rainbow. The Moslems, invading Europe, took along plants of a white iris from Arabia to plant on the graves of their dead. It has grown wild ever since in the countries of their conquest long ago flower loving peoples carried other kinds of ones with them in their travels; so it is difficult to tell where in the Old World they grew originally.









  • Sunflower is a tall plant known for its showy yellow flowers. There are more than 60 species of sunflowers. The most common type grows from 3 to 10 feet (1 to 3 meters) tall and has one or more heads of flowers. Each head consists of a disk of small, tubular flowers surrounded by a fringe of large yellow petals. A sunflower head may measure more than 1 foot (30 centimeters) in diameter and produce up to 1,000 seeds. The head turns and faces toward the sun throughout the day.







  • ZINNIA is one of the most easily cultivated of all the garden flowers. Their bright blossoms may be rose, orange, crimson, scarlet, yellow, salmon, or purple. The zinnia belongs to the Compositae family and grows wild from the southern United States and Mexico to Chile.











  • WISTERIA (wista’ria), a vine, is sacred in Japan, where its purple or blue flowers are more honored than the white. In the United States, it is trained to grow over gateways, on trellises and upon trees. Its long clusters of graceful purple, lavender, blue, or white flowers droop downward.











  • There is a beautiful flower aster (Aster), whose name in Latin means "star". How many bright stars, burning on a cold autumn sky at the end of gardening season are presented in the best long-term fall blooming asters.












  • The ancient Japanese poets sang of chrysanthemum in his poems. Chrysanthemum traditionally depicted on coins and the state emblem of Japan, one of the country's highest awards - the Order of the Chrysanthemum. 
  • Chrysanthemum Festival in the country of the sun - is a special ritual of singing it, everyone should enjoy the shade of inflorescences, and the need to think deeply about the past and the way the meaning of life.





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