The problem of synonyms in modern English

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Сентября 2014 в 14:17, реферат

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The actuality of this work caused by several important points. We seem to say that the problem of synonyms is one of the main difficult ones for the English language learners. It can be most clearly seen in the colloquial layer of a language, which, in its turn at high degree is supported by development of modern informational technologies and simplification of alive speech. As a result, a great number of new meanings of one and the same word appear in our vocabulary. So the significance of our work can be proved by the following reasons:
a) The problem of synonymy is one of the developing branches of vocabulary nowadays.
b)Synonymy reflects the general trend of enrichment of a language word-stock.

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31. Internet: Quantiitive and Qualitive synonymy.htm







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