The Passive Voice

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Декабря 2010 в 16:52, контрольная работа

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Put the verbs in brackets in the required tense
1. The day before yesterday we____(invite) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins
2. In Greece the Olympic Games___ (Hold) once in four years
3. The problem____ (study) for there years, but they haven`t got any results
4. This book___( republish) by the end of September
5. John phoned us and asked if our Luggage_____ (already/pack)
6. A new road_____- (build) now around the city
7. The book______(discuss) at the next conference

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The Passive Voice

Put the verbs in brackets in the required tense

  1. The day before yesterday we____(invite) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins
  2. In Greece the Olympic Games___ (Hold) once in four years
  3. The problem____ (study) for there years, but they haven`t got any results
  4. This book___( republish) by the end of September
  5. John phoned us and asked if our Luggage_____ (already/pack)
  6. A new road_____- (build) now around the city
  7. The book______(discuss) at the next conference

    Choose the right form(active or Passive)

  1. The book is being discussed/ is discussing
  2. The children have been put to bed/will put to bed by their nurse
  3. The lecture was attended/attended by us yesterday
  4. My parents aren`t approved/ don`t approve my entering the theatrical college
  5. Doctors send for/are sent for if somebody is ill

    Translate the sentences into English

    1. На его книги ссылаются в статьях по этому вопросу.
    2. Со многими близкими(diseases) было покончено еще в прошлом веке
    3. На этом предложении(proposal) сейчас настаивает большинство коллектива
    4. На этот вопрос будут обращать свое внимание

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