The French System of Government

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Января 2015 в 09:00, реферат

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The French system of administration was largely introduced to Russia something like an unattainable ideal of an ordered state of the organization. And in many respects the organization of the civil service in Russia and France were similar (external features), especially in some historical periods. Public service (integrated approach): Textbook. the allowance. - 2nd ed. - M.: Delo, 2000, S. 207


Chapter 1.Legal basis for the civil service in France……………................3
Chapter 2.The concept and categories of civil servants................................3
Chapter 3.The service process: competitive selection, enlistment, the passage of careers and termination of service..................................................................5
Chapter 4.The legal status of civil servant......................................................9
Chapter 5.Management of public service........................................................12
List of used sources and literature...................................................................14

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Duties of the official 
Duties are of a standard nature: the obligation to devote themselves to the service and only her; prohibits, with some exceptions, on a parallel private professional activity with limitation of return last; duty detachment from private interests; the duties of loyalty, respect for dignity. 
The duty of hierarchical subordination is balanced by the principle of good governance, autonomy officer and the right to participation in the discussion. If the order simultaneously and illegal, and can cause serious damage to the interests of the state, the official is obliged not to exercise. But if the order is simply illegal, he should be executed. 
Another group of official duties associated with information. In addition to observance of professional secrecy on public servant entrusted with professional restraint, forbidding him to inform a third person information obtained by it in the performance of official duties. The latter should only be used in the service interests. 
There is also a duty to provide access to interested individuals and organizations to open documents, and to explain the motives of decisions. This duty was established by the Laws of 1978 and 1979, specially dedicated to the development of relations between the administration and citizens and the motivation of administrative acts. 
The responsibility of civil servants 
Improper performance of official duties shall entail disciplinary, and in cases stipulated by the legislation, criminal liability. 
Disciplinary penalties imposed on employees, divided into four groups: a warning and reprimand; reduction in speed, suspension from office for up to 15 days; the disbarment, suspension from office for a period of from six months to two years; the dismissal. 
An employee disciplined has the right to have their own business, as well as help defenders of their choice. Any disciplinary action, except warning and reprimand, imposed on the official only after consultation with the disciplinary Council. The conclusion of the Council, as the decision on imposition of penalty shall be justified. 
The decision on the sanction may be appealed to the disciplinary Board. Board members must have a rank not lower than the official, who filed a complaint. Suspended from his duties the employee retains the right to salary and all bonuses provided by law. His case shall be considered within four months. If within this period no decision is taken, it is restored to office. For some crimes, for specific public services, such as bribery, corruption, fraud or abuse of power, official criminal responsibility. Public service (integrated approach): Textbook. the allowance. - 2nd ed. - M.: Delo, 2000, 220-224

Chapter 5.Management of public service

Responsible for the conduct of policy in the area of civil service shall be the Prime Minister. According to article 13 of the law of 11 January 1984, the Prime Minister oversees implementation of the provisions of the Statute on civil servants. Coordination and development of key policies in the field of public service handled by the General Directorate of administration and civil service. The management organizes interdepartmental competitions for positions, fosters regional institutions administration, National school of administration, manages the interagency States. Together with him the actual co-management provides management and Budget of the Ministry of economy and Finance, mandatory checks all acts directly or indirectly affecting the financial issues of the civil service. 
In accordance with article 13 of the Constitution the President has the exclusive right to appoint to a number of statutory key posts, and for some positions may delegate his powers to the Prime Minister, who makes the appointments, the item of their level plus those that it has delegated to the President, approves the number of appointments made by Ministers, manages the interagency state civil administrators, and in General is responsible for policy in the area of the Central civil service. 
Protection of corporate interests of the officials assigned to Advisory bodies - the Supreme Council of the Central civil service, the joint administrative Committee, joint technical committees and committees health and safety. These collegial bodies usually formed of an equal number of representatives of the administration and delegated trade unions officials. The Supreme Council of the obligatory gives opinions on any bill relating to General Statute of the civil service, for any special Statute, on any matter which is put before him, the Prime Minister or 1/3 of the members of the Board. 
France is the founder of the creation of a system of specialized educational institutions whose graduates have joined the ranks of civil servants. Among them, the most prestigious Higher normal school, Polytechnic school, national administrative school (AISNE), Regional Institute of administration. Students AISNE specialize in legal and economic management issues. Right to enter here are three categories of people, each of which is a separate competition: -persons with higher education and not older than 26 years old; -civil servants not older than 30 years with experience not less than 5 years; -elected officials of local authorities and leaders of trade unions and public associations. After high school, based on the results of exams and tests, classification is performed graduates, the results of which they are appointed to a particular post. When this is signed by a personal commitment to work for the state for 10 years under the guarantee of refund of the amounts paid to the listener during training . 
Graduates of the AISNE are almost all high-ranking officials, which contributes to the preservation of their environment corporate principles. Public service in foreign countries. A collection of law review. M., 1996, S. 128-129

Organization of public service in France is a complex bureaucratic system. 
Reviewed the fundamentals of the legislation of the civil service of France. The main acts governing the public service, are the Laws of 1983, 1984, 1986, special and special statutes. A special place is occupied by the Constitution of 1958 and the Declaration of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen of 1789, 
Clarified that a public servant is a concept broader than the official. Contrary officials from other categories of civil servants that official attached to the service on the whole professional life. 
In the work shown all the stages of the service, including the competitive selection, the immediate passage of career and termination of powers. 
The characteristic of the legal provisions of the French officials. Sufficient detail the rights, duties, civil servants, established criteria of responsibility. 
In the final section, attention is paid to the management of the civil service in France. It is established that the management is not only higher authorities (Prime Minister, President), and the joint administrative commissions created in the same state officials. 
After analyzing the system of civil service in France, we can conclude that the French civil service is a fully regulated, thoughtful, highly centralised administrative system. "There is a definite reason for the Russian commitment to this ideal. Public service (integrated approach): Textbook. the allowance. - 2nd ed. - M.: Delo, 2000, S. 225 
However, on the other hand the essence of the French civil service is similar to Russian is a closed and regulated in detail the system administration features of hierarchy, caste and loyalty to the state. Corporatism is the main feature of the French civil service. 
Against this background, there has been some change, but in the framework familiar to us from his own experience of the model in the fight against bureaucracy by creating new bureaucratic structures". Public service (integrated approach): Textbook. the allowance. - 2nd ed. - M.: Delo, 2000,S. 226

List of used sources and literature 
1. The French Constitution of 1958; 
2.The Declaration of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen of 1789; 
3.The law of 13 July 1983 on the rights and responsibilities of employees; 
4.The law of 11 January 1984, containing the provisions of the General Statute of the Central public civil service; 
5.The law of 26 January 1984, containing provisions on local public service; 
6.The law of January 6, 1986, containing the provisions of the Statute on the state health service 
1.Public service in foreign countries. A collection of law review. M., 1996. - 166 C. 
2.Public service (integrated approach): Textbook. the allowance. - 2nd ed. - M.: Delo, 2000. - 440 C. 
3.Civil service and civil servants in France. - M.: the French Embassy in Moscow: Ministry of foreign Affairs, 1994. - 162 [4] C.



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