Magnetism in Condensed Matter

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Июня 2015 в 20:43, реферат

Краткое описание

Solid state physics (or condensed matter physics) is one of the most active and versatile branches of modern physics that have developed in the wake of the discovery of quantum mechanics. It deals with problems concerning the properties of materials and, more generally, systems with many degrees of freedom, ranging from fundamental questions to technological applications


1 Magnetic Properties of Atoms 4
1.1Para- and Dia-Magnetism. Hund’s Rules 4
1.2 Spontaneous Order: Antiferro-, Ferri-, and Ferro-Magnetism 8
1.3Breaking Symmetry and Ising Model 10
2. Domains and Hysteresis. The Hubbard Model 13
2.1 The Bloch/N´eel Wall 15
2.2 Hysteresis in Ferromagnets 17
2.3 Magnetism from Interactions: The Hubbard Model 19
Conclusion 22
References 23

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