Lexical features of writing a slogan

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Октября 2013 в 21:24, реферат

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As we know, historically, advertising began as a kind of text, not accompanied by any image. All the functions inherent in advertising - to attract attention, create interest, to inform the consumer about the product and its qualities and the potential impact on the consumer, urging him to make a purchase, - contained in the text. In our time, advertising has become almost the most common genre, and the classic ad divided between verbal and visual components. It is therefore necessary to find out whether the text is not lost (verbal part) in today's advertising message of its importance and whether he can continue to perform their traditional functions.


The advertising slogan and its language features
The concept of a slogan
Language features of an advertising slogan
Lexical stylistic devices

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«Lexical features of writing a slogan»


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The advertising slogan and its language features

The concept of a slogan

Language features of an advertising slogan

Lexical stylistic devices





















In the 21st century advertising accompanies us everywhere, wherever you look, it is all around us. Advertising - is the engine of success, and a good advertisement - it is an opportunity for companies to be the best on the market. We were interested in the way in which these companies are achieving these results. To be more precise: by what stylistic devices they achieve these effects?

The advertising slogan and its language features

As we know, historically, advertising began as a kind of text, not accompanied by any image. All the functions inherent in advertising - to attract attention, create interest, to inform the consumer about the product and its qualities and the potential impact on the consumer, urging him to make a purchase, - contained in the text. In our time, advertising has become almost the most common genre, and the classic ad divided between verbal and visual components. It is therefore necessary to find out whether the text is not lost (verbal part) in today's advertising message of its importance and whether he can continue to perform their traditional functions.

On the basis of allegations that the sender, making out the statement to influence the recipient, carefully selects language tools (especially true for writing), which could affect the emotional state and behavior of the recipient, to strengthen its background knowledge, we can talk about creating an appropriate stylistic connotations . Actually stylistic connotation of information is when it is felt, acquires significance, when it is essential for the sender and the addressee of the question. The importance of the connotation is realized only under pre-speech experience at the highest level of linguistic competence.

From the philological point of view, advertising is a special sphere of practice, which are the product of verbal works - advertising copy. These texts in their totality are characterized by: 1) certain features of content and appearance to distinguish them from other (non-advertising) text, and 2) certain functional characteristics, and 3) a specific place they occupy in the overall corpus, created and produced by some language. Communication between the texts of advertising and the potential recipient is in particular cognitive environment characterized by a minimum of attention and concentration, a partial analysis, fragmentary perception. Structural and building meaningful advertising text should be implemented in such a way as to simplify the comprehension and retention of information advertising text.



The concept of a slogan

The slogan is the most expressive and emotionally - shaped element of the advertising text. In 1880, the concept of " slogan " was first used in the modern sense . The original meaning of the word - " Battle Cry " - a very thin , very vividly captures the essence of this concept - that slogan given a goal of " capture " the buyer . There are several definitions of a slogan . One of them describes the slogan as " a short , simple and easy to pronounce the expression that contains both the main gates product , brand name , service, or point of sale ." Another definition states: " The slogan sums up the benefits of the product to create a brief message, which is easy to memorize ." Or, " slogan - it's a short advertising slogan , the call , the motto that reflects the quality of the product , the service, the direction of the firm , sometimes directly , but more often in allegorical or abstract form ." Similar in content and some other definitions . But in all definitions should focus on the brevity of a slogan and expressed its concept throughout the campaign : " The slogan - an advertising phrase , concise summary of the main promotional offer as part of an advertising campaign."

The slogan can be selected as the advertising message and terminate or start advertising text. Slogan - a percussion instrument advertising. It should say something about advertising idea, to talk about the subject of advertising something important. And it's not just advertising to express the idea of ​​one of your company, as a key idea of the whole campaign, and in general the whole marketing strategy firm. The advertising slogan must meet many requirements, among them are the following:

• to be associated with a particular brand, product, service;

 • be memorable, bright;

• carry the information about trade and emotional benefits of advertising object;

• not cause rejection

• be clear





Language features of an advertising slogan

Any advertising slogan is not only marketing, but also the artistic, aesthetic value. Marketing value - information about the object of advertising (including emotional). Aesthetic value - is enclosed in a form in which "placed" information. Therefore, some of the advertising slogans of "live" for decades, they not only become part of the language environment, but also to change it. Effective slogan support in the minds of the target group of consumers that the motivating idea, which was founded in the brand. Intricate designs make sentences difficult to understand and remember. Advertising slogan should merge with the consciousness of the consumer and the cause of the recipient bright, emotional associations with the brand. He must "communicate" with the consumers in the language in which they communicate with each other.

Lexical stylistic devices


On the lexical - stylistic level has a great emotional impact metaphor. This technique consists in comparing two hidden objects or concepts based on certain similarity between them - real or fictional. Performing in the language of the nominative, cognitive and evaluative functions, the metaphor at the same time acts as a means of creating imagery of speech and the construction of new meanings.

  • Live unbuttoned (Levi’s jeans) 
  • Introducing body (Calvin Klein Jeans) 
  • Live on the colorful side of life (Coca-cola)
  • Find your glow. (Starbucks coffee)

Slogans include informative and emotional components, which are often combined:. The mainspring in a Bulova is made to last 256 years or 146 leather steps – whichever comes first – brand: Bulova Watches –Nokia – connectig people– brand: Nokia.

Informative slogans are a direct response: Burnum & Bailey Circus - the Greatest Show on Earth - brand: Burnum & Bailey Circus.

Expressed in slogans rational information involves various characteristics of the goods. It may be:

1) the type of advertising object: Tobacco is our maddle name - brand: American Brands Inc.; Carlsberg - probally the best beer in the world - brand: Carlsberg;

2) The distinctive quality of the product: Epson - truth of the collor! - Brand: Epson; Nothing runs like a Deere - brand: John; If it's Borden's, it's got to be good - brand: Bordner Inc.

3) the destination of products: Tastes so good cats ask for it by name - brand: Meow Mix; Libero - the best friend of your child - brand: Libero -; Doesn't your dog deserve ALPO? - Brand: ALPO DOG FOOD.

4) efficiency: Don't just book it. Thomas Cook it - brand: Thomas Cook - 'Do; You can be sure of Shell - brand: Shell Oil .

The slogan could "promise" is not just any particular benefit, but:

and good luck or happiness in life in general: You're in good hands with Allstate - brand: Allstate Insurance; You are in a Beauty Contest Every Day of your Life - Brand: Somay Soup.

As can be seen from the above examples, the main purpose of slogans - to attract attention to the advertised project - carried out by the brightness of the linguistic form of advertising slogan, and to create it using a range of means of expression, one of which is stylistically marked vocabulary.














Slogan as the central component of the advertising communication

Generalizing the idea of ​​systematizing data and research, we have compiled a list of key linguistic features of English advertising slogans, one of which carried:Multidimensional nature of the advertising slogan.

For a complete and objective analysis of any foreign language slogan of positions used in its creation of linguistic techniques to the study of several aspects of the nature of the slogan: stylistic, syntactic, and lexical aspects of translation. The fact that in each case all these aspects play a special role in creating a slogan and image forming certain attitude on the part of potential buyers.

Features promotional merchandise can be qualitatively highlighted in vocabulary slogan. Yes, Mario Bruni shoes advertising slogan is as follows:

The world finest shoes made in Italy.

However the text of slogan well presented product, pointing with words in the «world finestV" and the name of the country of origin in the «made in ItalyV" on its quality.

Language slogan also affects the goods belonging to a particular product category. Thus, in advertising electronic equipment commonly used words in the "technologyV" B "intelligenceV" B "powerV" B "digitalV" etc.

Thus, depending on the nature of the audience, the slogan might look:

1) Pretty officially and convincingly: A crown for every achievement.architects of time.

2) Interview: Can't pull'em apart.comes between me and my Calvins.

In the first case we used as an example of advertising expensive watches designed, respectively, for B "serious audience."

The second group of examples - Advertising youth style jeans. While the slogans of the second group allow truncated form of words and have a slightly ironic subtext, the first group of official slogans and lofty in style and content.

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