Formats of MS Power Point presentations

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Октября 2013 в 04:11, доклад

Краткое описание

The topic of my report is analysis of file formats that a presentation can be saved in. and during my report I try to give you some recommendations concerning the use of the most popular formats.

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The topic of my report is analysis of file formats that a presentation can be saved in_2.docx

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The topic of my report is analysis of file formats that a presentation can be saved in. and during my report I try to give you some recommendations concerning the use of the most popular formats.

The first of all I would like to tell you about the most common format .pptx . It is a format of presentation which was input with version of Microsoft power point 2007 which is a part of MS office 12. This file contains slides for presentation, can include text, picture and other multimedia. As we know from the previous class .ppt. format bases on the XML- technology and uses compressing of zip-technology for shrinking presentation.  Format .pptx uses in power point by the default. But one of the reasons for choosing it is possibility for work on the presentation late.

The second of all I should say about .pdf- format. . It is the format of the electronic document, designed by corporation Microsoft for changing document in final type. This type of files bases on PostScript, designed by Adobe Systems Company. This format saves formatting a document and provides the possibility of the joint work with file. And the next benefit of the pdf-format is opportunity to open it on the new devises


The next one is the picture format. In this format every slide saves as separate picture. It may be gif, jpeg png tif or bmp files depends on your wishes about quality of your picture. It is suitable for  disstrubution on the web site.


And the last but not the list format pps the demonstration pover point. itis a   Presentation, which is always opened in mode of the show slide, rather than in usual mode.


The Structure, RTF RTF Structure to presentations in the manner of the document, containing only text. The Files of the structure have a smaller size and allow be changed file, not containing макросы, with the other user, beside which no same versions of application PowerPoint or operating system, as beside author. In this format text of the marks is not saved  
Структура презентации в виде документа, содержащего только текст. Файлы структуры имеют меньший размер и позволяют обмениваться файлами, не содержащими макросы, с другими пользователями, у которых нет той же версии приложения PowerPoint или операционной системы, что и 


Информация о работе Formats of MS Power Point presentations