Electronic money. The advantages and disadvantages

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Ноября 2014 в 16:12, доклад

Краткое описание

The concept of "electronic money" can be interpreted as a way to store and transfer of conventional money through electronic systems, or as a digital currency, which varies in size and is commercially sold as currency in a particular payment system. A European Commission describes electronic money, as “a digital equivalent of cash, stored on an electronic device or remotely at a server.” 1 It is important to understand that electronic money is not a generally accepted the means of payment, as they exist only within a particular payment system, usually bearing the same name as the electronic money system. But the payment system can operate not only electronic money they may make including conventional non-cash payments, or even operate cash. The handling of electronic money is done by the Internet, payment cards, electronic purses and devices working with debit and credit cards.

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Electronic money. The advantages and disadvantages.

Сидько  М.Н.,

Специальность «Экономика»,

Студентка группы ДЭЭ-135б

Научный руководитель: Арефьева Т.С.,

Старший преподаватель кафедры Иностранных языков


The concept of "electronic money" can be interpreted as a way to store and transfer of conventional money through electronic systems, or as a digital currency, which varies in size and is commercially sold as currency in a particular payment system. A European Commission describes electronic money, as “a digital equivalent of cash, stored on an electronic device or remotely at a server.” 1 It is important to understand that electronic money is not a generally accepted the means of payment, as they exist only within a particular payment system, usually bearing the same name as the electronic money system. But the payment system can operate not only electronic money they may make including conventional non-cash payments, or even operate cash. The handling of electronic money is done by the Internet, payment cards, electronic purses and devices working with debit and credit cards.

There are a lot of kinds of electronic money sistems now. For example, PayPal, eCash, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, E-gold.  The most popular service of electronic money in Russia is "Yandex.Money" - for the last six months, at least once, it was used 22% of the inhabitants of large cities in the age of 12-55 years. The second highest frequency of use is service Qiwi Wallet with index 21 %, followed by WebMoney - 19%, PayPal - 14% and "Money @ Mail.ru" - 6%.2

Of course, electronic money has their advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of e-money over conventional cashless settlements is very low transaction costs, especially intrinsic value, ie transfer from purse to purse one payment system. Low transaction costs, allows the use of electronic money for micropayments, for which the usual non-cash means no good. This is an advantage over time are becoming more and more important.

Anonymity of electronic money, comparable to cash flow as an advantage of this type of payment. Very simple entry system allows you to get rid of the bureaucracy. You do not need to go to the bank to enter into are any contract, to grant documents. In order to start your own purse and send or receive payments do not even need to get up from the computer. Due to this advantage, mainly happened widespread electronic money including in Russia. At the moment, this advantage somewhat loses its force, mainly in connection with the attempts of the state to regulate the turnover of electronic money, which to some extent equalize their bank account, and will deprive most of anonymity.

Operations with electronic money, as opposed to the non-cash payments, have significantly lower security requirements, so you can easily use them, for example, in mobile commerce.

Almost all operations with electronic money come on-line and take very little time. Transfers of funds from one purse to another place almost instantaneously, the time of the external payments is determined only by the rate of the payment system.

In Russia, the electronic money occupy a special position, because due to the very low level of personal banking services at the moment, E-money is the only method used by non-cash payments for a very large number of people.

Disadvantages of electronic payment systems are closely related to their merits. The main drawback - the emission of electronic money is guaranteed solely by the issuer, the state does not provide any guarantees for the preservation of their ability to pay. This leads to the fact that electronic money should not be used for the implementation of large-value payments, as well as for the accumulation of significant amounts for a long time. It is important to understand that an electronic money payment into the first queue and not storage means.

One of disadvantage of electronic payment systems is that electronic currency exists only in the framework of the system in which it is issued. And electronic money is not accepted means of payment, must be accepted, therefore all payments that you can make using your electronic money, are reduced to a set that provides you with the system operator, arbitrary payments within the system can not be implemented. This greatly limits the use of electronic money. However, the development of payment systems has led to the fact that now users can pay with electronic money fairly wide range of personal services.

Another problem for users can be transfer of electronic money to another payment system. It can be quite uncomfortable and expensive operation, such translation costs significantly more than a transfer within the system.

When using e-cash is likely that interested parties will be able to keep track of personal data subjects of electronic money and outside the banking system. As in the case of real money, are also possible theft of electronic money with the help of certain innovative techniques as well as using existing and newly discovered vulnerabilities in security technologies.

Electronic money come into our lives more actively. More and more people give birth to their own electronic purses and use them almost more than real. Someone is convenient to use electronic money constantly, and someone pay with their help single purchase. Volumes of electronic payments continues to grow with each passing day, but experts predict a slowdown in the near future.

If even 5 years ago it was the explosive growth (by tens of percent a year), then now growth has stabilized (12-17% year). But even in spite of the decline in growth rates, many analysts predict a decline in the share of bank cards due to the increase in the calculation of the share of e-money payments. Thus, in practice there is no doubt that the electronic money for the future. 3














Список источников:


  1. http://en.wikipedia.org  - официальный сайт свободной энциклопедии
  2. http://www.tns-global.ru – официальный сайт международной исследовательской группы
  3. http://1prime.ru – официальный сайт агентства экономической информации
  4. http://wmx.ru – сайт информационного портала о системе WebMoney


1 См.: http://ec.europa.eu

2 См. http://1prime.ru

3 См: http://www.tns-global.ru



Информация о работе Electronic money. The advantages and disadvantages