Deciding Economic Problems

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 29 Марта 2014 в 22:31, контрольная работа

Краткое описание

There are some new figures on my computer display. It shows changes in the market. The prices for oil go up now. Some prices for machinery go down. Our company sells oil products and buys machinery. We can profit by the changes in the market. There is my boss over the telephone.

Is there anything new in the market today, Norman?
Some changes in the oil and machinery prices, boss.
Quote them, please.

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По дисциплине «Английский язык»


    По теме « Deciding Economic Problems»





























Тема: Deciding Economic Problems



to change - менять, изменять

'market - рынок

price- цена

dis'play- дисплей

oil- нефть

ma'chinery - техника

'company- компания, фирма

'products - продукты, товары

'volume - объем

trans'action - сделка

food - пищевые продукты, еда

drinks- напитки

to show - показывать

clothes - одежда

'footwear - обувь

to sell - продавать

to buy - покупать

'profit by - получать выгоду на ч.-л.

quote - 1. котировать, назначать цену

             2. цитировать (цены)

de'cide- решать 

in'crease- увеличивать 

a few - немного 

also -также 

over - над, через 

up - вверх, вверху 

down - вниз, внизу



1. Артикль (определенный, неопределенный)

2. Глагол to be, в Present Simple

3. Оборот there is/are.

4. Present Simple (утвердит., вопросит., отрицат. форма).

5. Модальные глаголы в Present Simple.

6. Основные предлоги: in, for, on, from, at.

7. Past Simple (утвердит., вопросит., отрицат. форма).

8. Числительные (количественные, порядковые).





There are some new figures on my computer display. It shows changes in the market. The prices for oil go up now. Some prices for machinery go down. Our company sells oil products and buys machinery. We can profit by the changes in the market. There is my boss over the telephone.


  • Is there anything new in the market today, Norman?
  • Some changes in the oil and machinery prices, boss.
  • Quote them, please.


I quote the prices and we decide to increase the volume of our transactions in oil and machinery. There are no changes in prices for food and drinks. There are also a few changes in prices for clothes and footwear.





I. Read the following words according to the rules of reading:

machinery,   volume

quote,   footwear

increase  market


II. Fill in the right form of the verb to be:

1. There ... my boss over the telephone.

2. There ... some new figures on my display.

3. There ... no changes in prices for food.

4. There ... a few changes in prices for clothes.

5. There ... nothing new in the market today.

6. ... there anything new in the market today?


  1. Make up sentences according to the model:


Model:   some new figures / on my display.

               There are some new figures on my display.


1. some changes / in prices of oil.

2. no changes / in prices for machinery.

3. my boss / over the telephone.

4. a few changes / in prices for footwear.


IV. Insert: some, any, someone, anyone, something, anything:

1. Are there ... new figures on your display?

2. ... prices for machinery go down.

3. There is ... over the telephone.

4. Are there ... changes in the market

5. There are ... changes in prices for clothes

6. Is there ... in the office?

7. Is there ... new in the market?

8. There is … new in the market.


V. Give the English equivalents for the following:

1. цены на нефть

2. покупать технику

3. увеличить объем сделок

4. продавать нефть

5. показывать изменения


VI. Make the following sentences negative (2 variants):

1. There is something new in the market today.

2. There is someone in the office.

3. There are some changes in prices for drinks.


VII. Translate from Russia into English:

1. На экране моего компьютера несколько новых цифр.

2. На рынке сегодня есть что-то новенькое.

3. В ценах на напитки есть некоторые изменения.

4. В ценах на нефть нет изменений.

5. Есть что-то новенькое на рынке сегодня? - Нет.

6. Есть какие-нибудь изменения в ценах на обувь? Да.






































Часть 1.

Перевод текста.


There are some new figures on my computer display. It shows changes in the market. The prices for oil go up now. Some prices for machinery go down. Our company sells oil products and buys machinery. We can profit by the changes in the market. There is my boss over the telephone.

На экране моего компьютера несколько новых цифр. Это показывает изменения на рынке. Цены на нефть опять выросли. А цены на технику упали. Компания продает нефть и скупает технику. Мы можем получать прибыль от изменений на рынке. Мне звонит босс.


  • Is there anything new in the market today, Norman?
  • Есть ли что-то новенькое на рынке сегодня, Норман?
  • Some changes in the oil and machinery prices, boss.
  • Есть изменения на нефть и технику, босс.
  • Quote them, please.
  • Котировки пожалуйста.


I quote the prices and we decide to increase the volume of our transactions in oil and machinery. There are no changes in prices for food and drinks. There are also a few changes in prices for clothes and footwear.

Я даю цены, и мы решаем увеличить объем операций с нефтью и техникой. Нет изменений на еду и напитки. Есть так же несколько изменений в ценах на одежду.






Часть 2.


I. Read the following words according to the rules of reading: Прочитайте слова в соответствии с правилами чтения.

Machinery – Машиньёри  volume - Вольюм

Quote - Квёт                     footwear - Футвел

increase - Инкрис                      market - Макет


II. Fill in the right form of the verb to be: Заполните правильную форму глагола быть.

1. There is my boss over the telephone.

2. There are some new figures on my display.

3. There are no changes in prices for food.

4. There are a few changes in prices for clothes.

5. There is nothing new in the market today.

6. Is  there anything new in the market today?


  1. Make up sentences according to the model: Составьте предложения в зависимости от модели.


Model:   some new figures / on my display.

               There are some new figures on my display.


1. some changes / in prices of oil. There are some changes in the oil prices.

2. no changes / in prices for machinery. There are no changes in prices for machinery.

3. my boss / over the telephone. There is my boss over the telephone.

4. a few changes / in prices for footwear. There are also a few changes in prices for footwear.


IV. Insert: some, any, someone, anyone, something, anything:  Вставьте: некоторые, любой, кто-то, кто-нибудь, что-нибудь, что угодно.

1. Are there any new figures on your display?

2. . Some prices for machinery go down.

3. There is someone over the telephone.

4. Are there any changes in the market

5. There are some changes in prices for clothes

6. Is there anyone in the office?

7. Is there anything new in the market?

8. There is something new in the market.


V. Give the English equivalents for the following: Скажите на английском следующие определения.

1. цены на нефть - The price of oil

2. покупать технику - Buys machinery

3. увеличить объем сделок - The volume of our transaction

4. продавать нефть  - Sells oil

5. показывать изменения - Show changes


VI. Make the following sentences negative (2 variants): Сделать следующие предложения отрицательными.

1. There is something new in the market today. There isn’t anything new in the market today.

2. There is someone in the office. There isn’t anyone in the office.

3. There are some changes in prices for drinks. There aren’t any changes in price for drinks.


VII. Translate from Russia into English: Перевести с русского на английский.

1. На экране моего компьютера  несколько новых цифр. There are some figures on my computer display.

2. На рынке сегодня есть что-то  новенькое. On the market today have something new.

3. В ценах на напитки есть  некоторые изменения. There are some changes in the prices of drinks.

4. В ценах на нефть нет изменений. There is no change in oil prices.

5. Есть что-то новенькое на  рынке сегодня? - Нет. It there anything new in the market today? - No.

6. Есть какие-нибудь изменения  в ценах на обувь? Да. There are any changes in the prices for footwear?- Yes.
















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