Criticism of an English lesson by a teacher of Method

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Декабря 2013 в 15:28, лекция

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The lesson was well- planed and the method of presentation was good. The variety of methods that you used made the lesson lively. There was no monotony or slackening of interest to the very end. The visual aids were effective and well-chosen; they certainly helped to hold the attention and interest of the class. The drill was rapid, varied and to the point, although you
might have called upon more pupils.

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Criticism of an English lesson by a teacher of Method

The lesson was well- planed and the method of presentation was good. The variety of methods that you used made the lesson lively. There was no monotony or slackening of interest to the very end. The visual aids were effective and well-chosen; they certainly helped to hold the attention and interest of the class. The drill was rapid, varied and to the point, although you

might have called upon more pupils. 

Now a few words in regard to the choral work. That is considered a good teaching method by some specialists in pedagogy, but it demands training and experience on the part of the teacher. At times there was a lack of unison in the choral work. In general, there was too much emphasis on rote learning, in my opinion. The pupils could repeat many rules by heart, but that doesn't mean that they understand the application of those rules. It is a good practice however to give the children short poems to commit to memory. They enjoy reciting poetry and it is a good way of improving their intonation.

As to our personality and poise, you were quite self-possessed throughout the lesson and appeared to have perfect control over the class. You were firm and exacting in suppressing

any unnecessary noise and were able to maintain good discipline during the lesson. However, two of the pupils in the back seats were rather inattentive. That is to say, they didn’t disturb the procedure of the lesson in any way and didn’t annoy their neighbours but they were absent- minded and were not paying attention to what being said and done. You could have drawn their attention by calling on them, which you didn’t do What I liked was that you didn’t raise our voice nor lose your temper. Your voice was well- modulated; neither too loud nor too low for it carried to the back of the room where I was sitting. 

Also you were not stationary , but kept moving about.

Sometimes your writing on the blackboard was not up to the mark. You yourself must learn and must teach the children to write in straight horizontal lines. Several times your words ran up and downhill. Then, some of your letters were not quite in accordance with modem English calligraphy- take the capital H or K for example.

On the whole, the children seemed to be very much interested in the material presented. One could see at once that the pupils have respect for you, that means that you have found the correct approach to them. I should say, there was a good team- work between you and children. All in all, it was an interesting lesson and it deserved praise.

One more word about the marks you gave. They were just ones in all cases but one. You were a trifle lenient in giving B. 4; he should have got no more than 3.

Misbehaviour and Punishment

Cases of misbehaviour and do occur in our schools yet. And it is wall-known that corporal punishment is strictly forbidden at school. But there are different humane ways which may be applied to pupils who misbehave. Teachers should, of course, keep their eyes open and be on the look out for mischief-makers so as to nip any mischief making in the bud. In all cases, first and foremost, we try to make the offender understand the anti-social character of his misbehaviour.

And. certainly, there are different measures that we employ to bring about proper discipline. For a slight offence the pupil may be made to stand at his desk. Often, a simple rebuke is enough to make a pupil mend his conduct. A pupil who needs to be told twice to behave himself may be ordered to leave the room, which is considered severe punishment.

More serious offences, such as deliberate violation of discipline or breaking of school rules don't occur often, but if they do occur, a reprimand at the school assembly is very effective. School community life plays a great role in the pupils' lives. Thus, criticism of the offender by his own school fellows at a meeting usually takes the wind out of his sails.

There may be a reprimand by the headmaster of the school in written form. This is posted on the notice-board among the items of the day. As a rule, there are a few unmanageable children if any. Still, it happens, though very rarely, that a pupil is expelled from school for a time, and perhaps for good-if the offender is obstinate and refractory, and the offence - particularly severe.

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