Cadastre and registration of rights to immovable property

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 02 Мая 2012 в 13:13, творческая работа

Краткое описание

The Department of Cadastre and Registration of rights to immovable property, being established in 1999, is a public body under the State registration service under the Kyrgyz Republic Government. Having 1633 staff, operating within 49 local registration offices all over Kyrgyzstan, the Department of Cadastre and Registration of rights to immovable property (the DCR) provides for the republic residents range of cadastre and public services related to registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it.

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     Cadastre and registration of rights to immovable property


     The Department of Cadastre and Registration of rights to immovable property, being established in 1999, is a public body under the State registration service under the Kyrgyz Republic Government. Having 1633 staff, operating within 49 local registration offices all over Kyrgyzstan, the Department of Cadastre and Registration of rights to immovable property (the DCR) provides for the republic residents range of cadastre and public services related to registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it.

     In addition to public services in the area of registration of rights to immovable property, the Department of Cadastre and Registration implements projects aimed to development, support and reinforcement of land administration in Kyrgyzstan.

     As of today, the DCR has been undertaking operations for development its activity directions as creation of electronic index maps, implementation of cadastral survey new technologies, provision of electronic service via internet online, improvement of service provision arrangements, simplification of registration procedures to immovable property.

     For 13 years the DCR has been a dynamically developing public body in Kyrgyzstan, which has been one of the first to develop and implement new information technologies in its activities. This activity has been implemented under the World Bank support within a Second Land and Real Estate Registration Project.


Creation of land information system

As of today, under the Second Land and Real Estate Registration System, Automated Registration System has been implemented within the all 49 DCR local registration offices. The main objective of the Automated Registration System is computerized data collection on real estate and rights to it, automation of registration processes within the DCR local registration offices. Also, the system ensures prompt search on real estate in the database to simplify processes for preparation of documents and processes by increasing awareness, reliability and efficiency of output information.

Implementation of automated registration system nationwide enabled the DCR to speed up procedures of acceptance, issuance of registration documents, to simplify procedures, to reduce registration time and improve of quality of service provided. Thus, since the moment of foundation of the DCR system, the registration time has been reduced from 10 days to 1.1 days. Implementation of Automated Registration System has also enabled creating Land Information System. 

Online Kyrgyz Land Information System created

Transition to digital service provision is one of the DCR priorities. In March 2010, after being tested, the DCR internet portal was implemented ( as an element of Kyrgyz Land Information System. Nowadays, after having registered, one can get information from the DCR state register.

Land information system web-portal enables external users (real estate participants public and private bodies) to receive information service on property object technical parameters, on registered property rights and restrictions, history of registered rights On-Line.

The land information system is particularly convenient for the organizations, undertaking professional activities on real estate market: realtors, real estate agencies, banks. But also the system can be used by any resident after conclusion a contract with the DCR.  

Sales database developed

The developed sales database of real estate objects includes statistic data on property transactions in different cutsets, real estate market development dynamic, it enables to identify average cost and price index of real estate object.

This base also serves as sales database for external clients (banks representatives, public and private bodies, real estate participants) by which one can carry out search of sold objects, elementary calculations, calculation of market value of different type of immovable properties, reports and graphic images are provided in hard copy.    


Development of GNSS stations for cadastral purposes has started

In 2011 the DCR has implemented a centre of reference networks management “KYRPOS”, which operates on the basis of Leica GNSS Spyder software. This software product is used for creation of GNSS reference infrastructure network stations; it enables to provide network satellite differential amendments for users of GPS/GLONASS field receivers. It has also been developed with possibility of simple updating to work with new GNSS syganls such as GPS L5 and Galileo.  With the new software GNSS possibilities of base stations administrators and field executors are expanding significantly. Currently, the centre is controlling operations of the 13 permanently operating reference stations, 6 of which cover Chui oblast, 5 cover Fergana Valley and 2 installed in Issikkul oblast. All stations have internet connection with the central server and ensure cadastral and Geodesic GPS/GNSS survey in the most densely populated areas of the country, where there are active real estate markets.

Fully-functional GNSS stations network gives big possibility to undertake highly accurate geodetic survey not only in cadastre bodies but also in other branches such geology, construction, transport etc. 

Test activities on implementation of automated cadastre being implemented

The DCR has launched in test mode “Automated Cadastral System” on the basis of Open Source software. Creation of such system is one of the biggest IT-projects, implemented within the DCR activities under the Second Land and Real Estate Project. The main objective of the system is operation with maps and digital data. The system has convenient tools to increase performance and qualitative service provision for the population in local registration offices of the DCR. Also the system enables to use the existing set of graphic instruments by which one can create new immovable properties and edit the existing ones.  

Established new coordinate system in Kyrgyzstan for GNSS/GPS cadastral surveying

Kyrgyzstan introduced the three-dimensional reference frame KYRG-06 in October 2010. It is based on the Zero and First order GPS networks and permanent GPS stations that exist in Kyrgyz Republic.

KYRG-06 is the new national reference frame and it also will replace the local reference systems with more homogenous situation on local levels. The situation today is that there exist several local reference systems based on various backgrounds. Changing national and local reference frames affects all co-ordinate users from low-accuracy GIS-applications to high-accuracy scientific investigations.

The aims of introduction of new National reference system in Kyrgyzstan are modernisation of the technique for cadastral surveying and implementation of a global reference frame with accompanying map projection.

State mapping agency and DCR of cadastre and registration of the rights to immovable properties introduced a global geodetic reference frame in Kyrgyzstan based on a Transverse Mercator projection. It will facilitate the use of GPS as well as handling and exchange of geographic information.

The trend today is increasing use of GPS, increasing use of international software for mapping and increasing exchange of geographic data. In that situation, the use of a local geodetic datum is a drawback.

Presently is being introduced a new, open reference system with a new map projection. The reference system is a realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS). Positions in this system are expressed in geocentric Cartesian co-ordinates (X, Y and Z) or in geodetic co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) on the ellipsoid GRS 80. For practical purposes, grid co-ordinates (Northings and Eastings), are also used, needing a new map projection. 

Wide-ranging activities ongoing on digitalization of registration index maps


Under the Second Land and Real Estate Project the DCR started activities on massive digitalization of local registration offices index maps and field geo-referencing (partially).

Digital cadastral maps have cadastral layers according to registration subject area, i.e. registration zone, sector, block, immovable property unit and construction. Besides, there has been infrastructure of roads, streets, communications, rivers and lakes reflected. The outcome of these activities will be creation of graphic spatial database, which can be used not only by cadastre bodies but in other branches as geology, construction, transport etc. 


Human resources development

Tremendous attention paid to professional skills of the DCR staff and there are efforts on preparation (training), retraining and professional development being implemented. Thus, under the Second Land and Real Estate Project there are permanent trainings and professional development of the DCR staff ongoing, which are provided by planned and systematic workshops. Subject area of the workshops has been developed in a way so that participants can improve and update knowledge through consultations and practical trainings in the area of immovable property registration, accounting, information technologies, mapping etc. Also, support for educational institutions and professional unions, employees in the area of registration to immovable property provided, training plans within educational institutions developed, where such subjects as real estate management economics taught. There are seminars for university professors and students held on land resources management, land law, mapping, registration of rights to immovable property. The DCR staff takes active part in international conferences, seminars, and study tours. Thus, in the 2008-2011 period, the DCR arranged training for 7467 employees and 274 seminars under the Second Land and Real Estate Project.


Информация о работе Cadastre and registration of rights to immovable property