Advertising prospects

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Января 2013 в 10:54, статья

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Webster's explanatory dictionary defines advertisement as «a public announcement intended to promote the sale, purchase or rental of a product or service, to advance a cause or idea or to bring about some other effect desired by the advertiser, for which transmission time has been given to the advertiser for remuneration or similar consideration». [

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Webster's explanatory dictionary defines advertisement as «a public announcement intended to promote the sale, purchase or rental of a product or service, to advance a cause or idea or to bring about some other effect desired by the advertiser, for which transmission time has been given to the advertiser for remuneration or similar consideration». [4]

In the modern world advertising is a complicated social phenomenon, which is more than just a labor activity or business. It is wider and it influences almost all spheres of life of the society.

The factor which has greatly influenced advertising is the transition of the society from the technological to the new informational stage of the development. The developed countries of the East have already entered into a new era – the era of global informational processes. Advertising reflects this change. It has acquired and continues acquiring new specific features. We can single out some possible tendencies of the development of advertising in the future and factors which define them.

There are going to be great demographic changes in the future world. The percentage of pensioners is going to rise in the developed countries and in the European countries of the former Soviet Union. This factor will directly influence the market forcing it to take into consideration the age of the consumers. Probably, there will be different goods and forms of advertising for different age groups or even new kinds of goods that will immediately satisfy several age groups.

Marketing and advertising specialists predict great changes in tastes and behavior of the consumers. These changes will be connected with the oversaturation by quality goods and giving the consumers the freedom of choice. This tendency has a direct relation to the problems of advertising efficiency. The value of today’s brands will hardly be preserved in the future. Advertisers will have to attract attention of prospective customers. Hope for brands and old consumers will not be very effective, so future advertisement will have to be catchier, more colorful and emotional in order to draw attention of experienced consumers. It’s quite possible that a completely new way of advertisement creation will be needed. [1]

In many countries there will be a tendency of urbanization and building-up huge industrial megalopolises. That will cause great territorial changes of the market and also changes in the nomenclature of goods. Research of the perception of consumers of different social categories - rural or urban - will be needed. That will allow dividing the market and creating special target advertising materials.

Scientists think that in this century the artificial intelligence will appear in our lives. Its use in different spheres will greatly influence the progress. New knowledge will be found as a result of scientific research of a human brain. It will give us the possibility to learn something new about human mind. Advertising management will separate various advertising information for different kinds of consumers with different psychological characteristics. [2]

The expansion of using different tools of “sales promotion” in the future advertising is quite possible. Changes in this sphere of advertising business are going to be quantitative and qualitative. Ways of connections with customers will be shorter. Advertising companies will simultaneously start using more “sales promotion” and have non-linear structure.

With the development of new technology, computer graphics and effects, we can predict a revolution in art process of advertisement creation. Absolutely new visual ideas of advertisement form and substance will be found and the quality of production will be much higher. Undoubtedly, the diapason of original, graphics and colorful ideas will get wider. It is very difficult to define a real number of possible changes, but there is no doubt that it is going to be a revolution!

The tendency of acceleration of products life in the marketing activity of companies is going to rise. Consumers will start changing their tastes much quicker, so this will entail consequences – producers will have to frequently change their goods. And if advertising has recently had a recovery function, future advertising management will have to focus on the experienced customer's needs and create new goods, trying to “catch” a slump in demand in the right time and immediately start creation of a new original sales promotion. It is easy to understand that in this situation the mobility of advertising will rise. [3]

 Finally, it’s very important to say that advertising as a self-developing phenomenon will influence the world and is doing it now. For example, today we can see its close connection with human culture life: art, literature and theatre. We can doubt if this influence is good and useful for us, but the fact is visible. Advertising also influences our aesthetic upbringing and norms of cultural and social relations. It is obvious that new functions and qualities of advertising will not stop appearing.



  1. Хожемпо, В.В. Курс лекций: "Маркетинг". [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
  2. Шилина, Ю. Загадочная душа покупателя. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
  3. Энциклопедия маркетинга [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
  4. Webster's Online Dictionary. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:




Реклама – сложное социальное явление, которое имеет огромное влияние на многие сферы нашей жизни. Мы можем спорить о том, насколько это влияние полезно людям, но факт такового очевиден. Рекламная деятельность непрерывно развивается и будет развиваться в дальнейшем. В данной работе рассмотрены основные тенденции этого процесса.

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