Сочинение о лучшем фильме года 2012 "Облачный атлас"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Января 2013 в 04:26, сочинение

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Every year hundreds of films are releasing from all of the world film-corporations. Most of them are cheap commercial films for entertaining, which don’t have a real message. The film I’d like to tell about is called “Cloud Atlas”(далее “СA”). No doubt it stands out of the other movies. “CA” is a screen adaptation of a novel written by a famous British science fiction writer David Mitchell. This ambitious picture was directed by three famous film directors sister (ха-ха-хаJ))and brother Wachowski and Tom Tykwer.

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The best film of the year

Every year hundreds of films are releasing from all of the world film-corporations. Most of them are cheap commercial films for entertaining, which don’t have a real message. The film I’d like to tell about is called “Cloud Atlas”(далее “СA”). No doubt it stands out of the other movies. “CA” is a screen adaptation of a novel written by a famous British science fiction writer David Mitchell. This ambitious picture was directed by three famous film directors sister (ха-ха-хаJ))and brother Wachowski  and Tom Tykwer.

"Cloud Atlas" tells us about six stories,  through five centuries, connected  with the idea to make the world better, the main characters of which have something in common: a birthmark in the shape of a comet, which symbolizes a special mission.

 1)The first story takes place in the middle of the 19th century, in which a young  lawyer  saves a black slave and struggles against  the slave system.

2)The second story narrates about a young  poor compositor( homosexualist), who had to work and write for the  crazy old compositor, because the society didn’t take  his creations. Later he committed a suicide. The beginning of the  20th century.

3) In the 1970 year - a woman journalist trying to investigate the criminal disaster at the nuclear plant. She was murdered for this.

4) Our time - the old man-publisher, got  into debts, was send to a nursing home by his brother. Later he escaped this prison.

5) XXII century –the artificially born humans are explored and recycled like  a thing. While they are  alive. A girl from this people becomes a messiah and sacrifices herself  in the struggle against this system.

6) It is the distant future – After the world’s  disaster a part of the survived people became primitive again and are living on the Earth and the other  were advanced they lived in the other planet. A woman and a man from these different worlds are trying together to discover the past of  the Earth and to overcome religious prejudices.

In all these stories the main characters are overcoming challenges either by fighting against the unfair system or by struggling with their own fears. They stands for the freedom, humanity and truth.

All the novels are in different genres(sea-adventure, drama, love-story, detective, tragic-comedy, anti-utopia).

CA is an extraordinary beautiful  picture with wonderful sound tracks(it got The Golden Globe for the music) and the actor’s brilliant playing. All the actors are playing  several different roles. And the work of the costumes designers is worth admiring. This film is a puzzle to be unravel. There are too many details to de discussed, that’s why it absolutely requires more than one viewing. I really enjoyed this amazing film.









  one of them a savage helps some ... uh ... let's say, more advanced representative of humanity left on Earth to climb the mountain, where it is rumored that the Devil lives.













The rest - everyone has his own way, his chances to die or survive. Each subsequent carrier generic label knows predecessor, for example, reading a diary or seeing a movie. Chain of circumstances connecting the lives of people, in which there is a place of treachery and murder, but also of love, devotion, heroism. As a result, the reflections of the author of good and evil, the future of humanity, the meaning of human life.

«Облачный атлас» заключает в себе шесть историй, главные герои которых имеют  нечто общее: родимое пятно в  форме кометы. В остальном  —  у каждого свой путь, свои шансы  умереть или выжить. Каждый последующий  носитель родовой метки знает  о предшественнике, например, читая дневник или увидев фильм. Цепь случайностей, связывающих жизни людей, в которых есть место предательствам и убийствам, но также и любви, преданности, подвигу. В итоге, размышления автора о добре и зле, будущем человечества, значении человеческой жизни.

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