Abbreviation and other types of shortening in the aspect of their functions in Modern English language

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Мая 2013 в 18:06, дипломная работа

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The theme of my diploma work sounds as following: “Abbreviation and other types of shortening in the aspect of their functions in Modern English language”. The actuality of this work caused by several important points. It is safe to say that nowadays the shortening of the words is one of the main trends in the development of Modern English language, especially in its colloquial layer, which, in its turn at high degree is supported by constant development of modern informational technologies and simplification of speech with no loss of its informative content. So the significance of this work can be proved by the following reasons: a) Shortening of words is one of the developing branches of lexicology nowadays.


Introduction……………………………………………………………… 1

I. General definition of abbreviation…...…………………………....... 3

II. Main types of abbreviation……………………………..………….. 10
2.1. Shortening of spoken words ……………………………….....……. 10
2.2. Graphical abbreviations and acronyms ………………...…………...20
2.3. Abbreviations as the major type of shortenings ………..…………. 25

III. Secondary ways of shortening…………………………………….. 29
3.1. Blending of words ………………………………………………….. 29
3.2. Back formation ……………………………………………………... 30
3.3. Back formation as a source for shortening of words …………..….. 31

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… 36

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………. 37

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Having analyzed the problem of shortening of words in Modern English we could do the following conclusions:

a) The problem of shortened words in Modern English is very actual nowadays.

b) There are several kinds of shortening: shortening proper, blending, abbreviations.

c) A number of famous linguists dealt with the problem of shortening of words in Modern English. In particular, Profs. Ullmann and Broal emphasized the social reasons for shortening, L. Lipka pointed out non-binary contrast or many-member lexical sets and gave the type which he called directional opposition, V.N. Comissarov and Walter Skeat proved the link of homonymy influence with the appearing of shortened words, etc.

d) The problem of shortening is still waits for its detail investigation.


Having said about the perspectives of the work we hope that this work will find its worthy way of applying at schools, lyceums and colleges of high education by both teachers and students of English. We also express our hopes to take this work its worthy place among the lexicological works dedicated to the types of shortening.




1. Ginzburg R.S. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. Moscow, 1979

2. Buranov, Muminov. Readings on Modern English Lexicology. Tashkent, “O’qituvchi”, 1985.

3. Arnold I.V. The English Word. Moscow, High School, 1986.

4. O. Jespersen. Linguistics. London, 1983.

5. O. Jespersen. Growth and Structure of the English Language. Oxford, 1982.

6. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Oxford, 1964.

7. V.D. Arakin. English Russian Dictionary. Moscow, Russky Yazyk, 1978.

8. Abayev V.I. Homonyms. Tashkent, “O’qituvchi”, 1981.

9. Smirnitsky A.I. Homonyms in English. Moscow, 1977.

10. Akhmanova O.S. Lexicology: Theory and Method. Moscow, 1972.

11. Burchfield R.W. The English Language. London, 1985.

12. Canon G. Historical Changes and English Wordformation: New Vocabulary items. New York, 1986.

13. Howard Ph. New words for Old. London, 1980.

14. Potter S. Modern Linguistics. London, 1957.

15. Schlauch M. The English Language in Modern Times. Warszava, 1965.

16. Sheard J. The Words we Use. New York,1954.

17. Apresyan U.D. Lexical semantics. Homonymous means of language. Мoscow, 1974.

18. Arnold I.V. Lexicology of modern English language. Мoscow, High School, 1959.

19. Vinogradov V.V. Lexicology and lexicography. Мoscow, 1977.

20. A.S. Hornby. The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. London, 1974.

21. Trofimova Z.S. Dictionary of New Words and New Meanings. “Pavlin”, 1993.

1 Ginzburg R.S. et al. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. M., 1979   pp.72-82

2 Buranov, Muminov Readings on Modern English Lexicology T. O’qituvchi 1985 pp. 34-47

3 Jespersen ,Otto. Growth and Structure of the English Language. Oxford, 1982 pp.246-249

4 Jespersen ,Otto. Growth and Structure of the English Language. Oxford, 1982 pp.246-249

5 Dubenets E.M. Modern English Lexicology (Course of Lectures)M., Moscow State Teacher Training University Publishers 2004 pp.17-31

6 Dubenets E.M. Modern English Lexicology (Course of Lectures)M., Moscow State Teacher Training University Publishers 2004 pp.21-24

Информация о работе Abbreviation and other types of shortening in the aspect of their functions in Modern English language