Five information systems and technologies that have implications in your life

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Мая 2013 в 00:29, сочинение

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At this point, the computer has an important role in everyone's life. But it also has its pros and cons. Pros are that, with the help of a computer, we can find the information we need on the Internet, we can communicate with people who can play, have fun, make people laugh to watch videos, write research papers, develop. Disadvantages are that the computer does not really even good for the human body. If it is too long to spend their time at the computer, your vision will quietly go bad. Sometimes it can get sick head sharply. A dependence that is poorly vliyat per person, takes away a lot of free time. I spend a little time at the computer, only to have all the right. I think this is an important discovery for mankind. Main abide by the rules and spend some time surprising number next to it.