Business etiquette in different cultures

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Апреля 2014 в 11:34, реферат

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Naturally behaviors sovereigns at the meetings, developing, gave birth to diplomatic etiquette, as diplomats in the negotiations expressed government's point of view. At the same time developing military etiquette, supporting harmony and rigor of the rules of conduct in the army, without which the procedure would simply be impossible. There are other types of etiquette - a secular, sometimes now called general civil. The "youngest» is a business etiquette.


General principles of international etiquette

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Negotiations with British organizations should begin with careful preparation and coordination. If the timing of your stay and the program agreed upon, there is no need to report English partners of their arrival and the stop as British extremely punctual.

Handshake is used in England only at the first presentation. In further meetings will be sufficient verbal greeting. Women do not kiss the hand, and compliments it is better not to do so as it can be seen as a faux

In England, it is always appropriate to show that you value your partner's time, therefore, before the start of the meeting, be sure to ask how much time he has available.

The conversation begins with extraneous themes - weather, sports, etc. British decision to take slowly. On their word of honor can rely on. The negotiations are very flexible and attentive to the initiatives of the other party. In the blood of the British - pragmatism and the ability to avoid sharp corners in the negotiations. They are distinguished by the ability to patiently listen to the interlocutor , while not objecting to it , but not always , this means consent, and often a manifestation of the important features of their character - self-control. It is, in particular, is reflected in the ability to remain silent and not to show their emotions openly. When dealing with the British, should pause in conversation as rude behavior is talkative.

During the break, business negotiation partners often offer Standard English breakfast or lunch. Toasts and Chokanu not accepted. When dealing with the British, should not ask personal questions and even more so to arrange discussions on these topics, as well as the need to avoid talking about the life of the royal family and the situation in Northern Ireland.

At the end of the day not to talk about business. For an Englishman all the talk about the work should end with the end of the day, even if he has dinner with his business partner. And the more a manifestation of bad manners will attempt to talk about business, not yet ordered dishes. It is considered impolite in relation to the waiter.

If you are invited to dinner, then do not hesitate to wear a tuxedo, and the official evening - dress coat.

In the British business community is very strictly related to gifts. Only a very few things to consider fashionable gifts, not this calendars, notebooks, lighters, branded pens, and Christmas - alcoholic beverages. Everything else is seen as a means of pressure on the business partner. If the sign of special favor you have been invited into the house, on the day of the visit should be sent by messenger flowers, chocolates and wine owners of the house.


United States, Canada, Australia


Features of behavior traits of American business are due strictly national character, the education system, U.S. leadership in the world. From early childhood, they raise the independence, autonomy, the ability to compete and win. Last inherent in any kind of activity - work, recreation, leisure, etc. The measure of success is to make money. These are caused by their energy, drive, authoritativeness, is not always a welcomed representatives of other nations. These features clearly manifested in the negotiations with the Americans insisted they stick to their firmly defend their positions and interests. However, can and love to haggle.

In the style of business communication is dominated by the professionalism and competence. Having generally more freedom in making final decisions than other countries, the U.S. partners often try to impose their own rules of the game, showing a certain aggressiveness and even rudeness. At the talks follow three rules: Analyze, divide verify performance.

Negotiations typically go alone. Offers begin to discuss with the general question, gradually moving to detail. Details i.e. "Stuff», they are very important as there are no details in the organization of any business - whether it is preparing for negotiations, or the practical implementation of the agreement.

At the formalities Americans do not spend time, go straight to the point, showing that healthy pragmatism. They do not like pauses in the conversation, ask a lot of questions, many of which are quite straightforward.

In the U.S. address each other by name , regardless of age and position , and that they carry on the guests , it gives communicate or negotiate with the Americans friendly nature and informal atmosphere. At the same time, Americans should not be drawn into religious or political debate. Having been invited to the house of an American (what he would do if the business partner is important to him), is to bring a gift - a souvenir or a bottle of wine.

Americans prefer to sign a big deal and exaggerate the importance of their company, but do prefer to have reliable information about those with whom you come in contact (in particular, they insist on the provision of information about participants in the negotiations: who, where and by whom the work), information on education, published works, inventions, degree, etc.

Americans live on a schedule that make up every day, and therefore very punctual for business meetings are never late. Time of such meetings and negotiations are strictly limited - no more than an hour.

Canada is more prone to the ceremonies, rather than the United States. Business people here, unlike their American counterparts, are reluctant to move to "you." A distinctive feature of the behavior of Canadians in the affairs - conservatism.

Greeting in a business setting - a handshake. Official languages ​​- two English and French. English is spoken almost everywhere except in the province of Quebec and parts. Canadians really do not like being mistaken for Americans. Therefore, the fact that they speak in English, does not mean that they consider themselves Americans.

Business entertainment is usually satisfied in restaurants rather than at home. On formal occasions usually served anything purely national, such as Arctic char, or Pacific sockeye salmon from Nova

In Australia, business people dress up, almost the same as in the U.S. or a suit and tie for men , a suit or dress for women. In the hotter parts of the summer or in any area of ​​business clothes is informal: long shorts with long socks, no jacket and tie.

Australians are friendly, have no stiffness. Getting acquainted, you should call your name in full, then a firm handshake.

Business relationships in Australia are very democratic in nature. However, businesses are engaged mainly men.

Do not be afraid to admit that do not know something - Aussie because of this never about you will not think worse. Rather, it will be even more confidence, seeing that you are not going to throw dust in the eyes.

Business meals suit in restaurants rather than in private homes. The exchange of gifts is not But , having arrived in Australia for a business meeting , it is appropriate to give a little souvenir of the places from where you came ( tie, hat , icon ) .

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