Do the MPs loyal to their party in the UK

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Апреля 2013 в 01:02, курсовая работа

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In this course work we were given the theme about how MPs are devoted to their party. The plan that I am going to follow is about representation and the main role of the whips, in what do they focus on. In addition, I will provide examples when MPs voted against their party such as the situation in Iraq.
One of the most important roles of an MP is representing and supporting his or her party, its ideology, policies and views on how to govern the country. They are expected to act in the interests of their party, and in most case this means that they should vote in the House of Commons for the bills that are introduced by their parties.

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In this course work we were given the theme about how MPs are devoted to their party. The plan that I am going to follow is about representation and the main role of the whips, in what do they focus on. In addition, I will provide examples when MPs voted against their party such as the situation in Iraq.


One of the most important roles of an MP is representing and supporting his or her party, its ideology, policies and views on how to govern the country. They are expected to act in the interests of their party, and in most case this means that they should vote in the House of Commons for the bills that are introduced by their parties. On the other hand, each MP represents his or her constituency, and sometimes disagreements can occur between him or her and the front benches of the party. Moreover, there are some cases, when personal points of views of an MP do not match with the party’s decisions. In such situations they start doing their job. The extent to which the MPs are loyal to their party will be examined in this work. Trusteeship, also known as “Burkean theory of representation” is the official constitutional doctrine. By means of exercising his or her own judgement, not following the instructions from them. Besides backbenches revolt can occur this case.

MPs are legislators, for them their successful career is everything. As a rule, in politics they usually involve in joining the executive. All the more so, that MPs who move from back benches to the front benches of their parties have to be allegiance to their party.


Whips are considered to be a significant part of parliamentary life. There are three basic functions that whips present. These are management, communication and persuasion.(Cowley, 2002)

Management is regarded as the longest- standing function of the party whips. Actually their important focus key is to avoid the rebellions. This is especially relate on to those MPs who loyal for their party for a long time.


In addition whips is kind of connection between back and the frontbenches. They are targeting to inform MPs about their plans and to provide the backbencher’s points of views to the leadership. The one of the most important weapon for whips is persuading. If, for example, one of the MPs is going to vote against their party, whips must convinced them do not do it, and move them back into the fold. They mainly focus more by persuasion and show the fact that they are loyal, another words put things on the right path, rather than threating.  But sometimes MPs vote against their whips., that leading to the bad effect.


A common example of this is election in November from 2001 to 2003. Here, all Labour MPs with 197, voted against in the first two sections. (Wright 2010)

One of the examples is the situation in Iraq. This issue is regarded as one of the difficult for whips. They used another way of negotiating the rebellion. Moreover, for the tuition fees and foundation hospitals, there was a majority for the legislation. This way they convinced Labour do not rebel, but also to restrict the influence of rebellions. It is considered to be a high achievement, because they were ready to vote against and win that.

The work of MP is to represent his or her political party, as they the members of the party, they must vote for it. Another words hey stand on its Manifesto. MPs defer to their party leadership. Moreover, there are backbenches rebellion, but for MP it unlikely to rebel, because it means that they vote against Manifesto.

Overall, in my point of view most MPs are loyalist. It is important role for them being dedicated and loyal for their party. Their work is to do well and make opposing party do badly. When Loyalties have been elected as a party representative, to minister their party, then they will definitely do it.



  • Cowley, P (2002) Revolts and Rebellions: Parliamentary Voting Under Blair, Politico’s.
  • Wright, T., (2010), “what are MPs for”, The political Quartely.
  • Kavanagh, D., (1996), “British politics: continuities and change”, Oxford University press, New York.
  • Lowe, C., Owen, V., (2011) Politics, Pearson education, Harlow.

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