Европейский союз

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Июня 2014 в 17:30, курсовая работа

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Европейский Союз представляет собой политическое объединение стран, деятельность которого осуществляется на основе механизмов, в большинстве присущие государственному образованию. Это проявляется в методах функционирования его институтов и способах принятия политических решений. Уникальность состоит в том, что институты Евросоюза имеют наднациональный характер, которым страны – члены делегировали часть своих полномочий, но одновременно Союз не обладает полным наднациональным суверенитетом на территории государств, образующих его. Более того, ЕС также является межгосударственным объединением, когда каждая страна – участница представляет свои национальные интересы. В значительной степени понимание сущности Европейского Союза в основном зависит от определения процедур и практик принятия и реализации политических решений.


Введение 3
Глава I. Процесс оформления концепта «Большая Европа» 9
1. Появление концепта «Большая Европа» на повестке дня ЕС 9
2. Предложение Европейской Комиссии относительно нового подхода отношений ЕС со странами – соседями 16
3. Оценка институтами Союза Предложения Комиссии ЕС относительно нового подхода отношений ЕС со странами – соседями 21
4. Учреждение Европейской политики соседства 27
Заключение 30

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II. Итоговые документы работы Европейского Совета

  1. A Secure Europe in a Better world, paper adopted at the European Council December 2003.
  2. Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 and 13 December 2003.
  3. Presidency Conclusions – Copenhagen, 21-22 June 1993.
  4. Presidency Conclusions – Corfu, 24 - 25 June 1994, II. Common Foreign and Security Policy. A. Relations with the Mediterranean Countries
  5. Presidency Conclusions - Thessaloniki European Council, 19 and 20 June 2003.
  6. Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on the European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and related acts. Title V. PROVISIONS ON A COMMON FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY. Articles J.1, J.2, J.3// http://www/europa.eu.int/eur-lex/en/treaties/dat/11997D/htm/11997D.htm#113010016

2. Документы Совета министров иностранных дел ЕС

  1. New Neighbours – Council Conclusions // General Affaires Council, 18 November 2002, doc. 14078/02.
  2. Wider Europe: Relations between the future enlarged EU and its Eastern Neighbours// General Affaires Council, 15 April 2002, doc. 7705/02.
  3. Wider Europe - New Neighbourhood// General Affaires Council, Brussels, 18 March 2003, doc. 6942/03.
  4. Wider Europe - New Neighbourhood – Council Conclusions// General Affaires Council, Luxembourg, 16 June 2003, doc. 10369/03.


III. Официальные документы Европейской Комиссии

  1. Communication from the Commission to the Council and European Parliament. Wider Europe— Neighborhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbors Brussels, 11.3.2003, COM (2003) 104 final
  2. Communication from the Commission European Neighbourhood Policy, Strategy Paper, Brussels, 12.5.2004, COM (2004) 373 final
  3. Communication from the Commission Paving the way for a New Neighbourhood Instrument, Brussels, 1 July 2003, COM (2003) 393 final
  4. Communication from the Commission to the Council on the Commission Proposals for Action Plans under the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), Brussels, 9 December 2004, COM (2004) 795 final
  5. European Neighbourhood Policy: Economic Review of ENP Countries by Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs// Occasional Paper N° 18 – April 2005// http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance
  6. Progress Report on the Communication from the Commission on the impact of Enlargement on Regions bordering Candidate Countries, Community Action for Bordering Regions, Brussels, 29.11.2002, COM (2002) 660 final
  7. Proposition de Règlement du Parlement Européen et du Conceil portant dispositions générales concernant la création d’un instrument européen de voisinage et de partenariat, Bruxelles, le 29.9.2004, COM (2004) 628 final
      1. Доклады Европейского Парламента

      1. European Parliament: Report on the Commission Communication on relations between the EU and the Mediterranean region: reinvigorating the Barcelona Process (COM(2000) 497 – C5-0630/2000 – 2000/2294(COS)). Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy. Rapporteur: Sami Naïr. 22 January 2001, final A5-0009/2001.
      2. European Parliament: Report on 'Wider Europe - Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours', (COM (2003) 104 - 2003/2018(INI)), Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy. Rapporteur: Pasqualina Napoletano. 5 November 2003, final A5-0378/2003.
      3. European Parliament: Report on relations between the European Union and Belarus: towards a future

Partnership (2002/2164(INI)), Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence

Policy. Rapporteur: Pedro Marset Campos. 29 January 2003, final A5-0024/2003.

4. European Parliament: Report with a proposal for a European Parliament recommendation to the Council on EU policy towards the South Caucasus  2003/2225(INI)), Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy. Rapporteur: Per Gahrton. 2 February 2004, final A5-0052/2004.

      1. Документы Экономического и Социального комитета ЕС
  1. OPINION of the European Economic and Social Committee on a Wider Europe – Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours

(COM(2003) 104 final). Brussels, 11 December 2003.

  1. EESC Information Report of the Section for External Relations on «The role of consultative bodies and socio-occupational organisations in implementing the Association Agreements and in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy”. Brussels, 16 September 2005.
      1. Документы Комитета регионов ЕС
  1. OPINION of the Committee of the Regions of 9 October 2003 on the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Wider Europe - Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours (COM(2003) 104 final) and on the Communication from the Commission: Paving the Way for a New Neighbourhood Instrument (COM(2003) 393 final).  Brussels, 6 November 2003.
  2. OPINION of the Committee of the Regionsof 14 April 2005 on the Communication from the Commission – European Neighbourhood Policy – Strategy paper COM(2004) 373 final. Brussels, 13 May 2005.


Список литературы

      1. Теоретико-методологические работы по процессу принятия решения в ЕС
  1. Hix S. The Political System of the European Union. –New York: St. Martin’s Press, INC. 1999.
  2. Nugent N. Government and politics of the European Union/ -5th ed. Duke University Press. Durham 2003.


    1. Научные и аналитические работы по Европейской Политике Соседства

  1. Asmus R., Jackson B. The Black Sea And The Frontiers Of Freedom. June 2004// http://www.policyreview.org/jun04/asmus.html
  2. Cremona M. The European Neighbourhood Policy: Legal and Institutional Issues// CDDRL (Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law Stanford Institute for International Studies) Working Papers. November 2004. №25.
  3. Cameron F. The Wider Europe. The European Policy Centre. June 2003//http://www.ji-magazine.lviv.ua/engl-vers/border/texts2003/euractiv-12-06.htm
  4. Данилов Д. Европейский выбор России// Международная жизнь, №7-8, 2005.
  5. Emerson M. Two cheers for the European Neighbourhood Policy. June 2004.
  6. Эмерсон М. Экзистенциальная дилемма Европы// Вестник Европы. 2005. -№15.
  7. Эмерсон М. Формирование политических рамок Большой Европы// Современная Европа. Июль-сентябрь 2004. -№3.http://www.ceps.be/wp.php?article_id=338
  8. Gatev I. The EU’s New Neighbourhood Policy Towards Ukraine. European Foreign Policy Conference, LSE, 2-3 July 2004.
  9. Haukkala H. The EU, Russia and the European Neighbourhood Policy: The Case of Moldova. A background paper for the FORNET Plenary, Brussels, 22 April 2005.
  10. Казин «Фактор лимитрофов» в отношениях России и ЕС// Международные процессы, 2004. Т.2. №2
  11. Коппитерс Б., Хёйссен М., Эмерсон М., Точчи Н., Валь М. Европейские институциональные модели как инструменты разрешения конфликтов в разделенных государствах на европейской периферии.
  12. Leonard M., Grant C. Georgia and the EU: Can Europe’s neighbourhood policy deliver? Center for European Reform. Policy Brief. Georgia. September 2005.
  13. Мошес А. Украина: и все-таки она движется!// Россия в глобальной политике
  14. Миллер А. И. «Новая» Восточная Европа: Политика и геополитика// Россия и современный мир. 2006. №3.
  15. Mungiu-Pippidi A. EU – Enlargment and Democracy Progress// Democratization in the European Neighbourhood. Center For European Policy Studies. 2005. // CEPS Working Document. JULY 2003. №195.
  16. Тиммерманн Х. Особый случай Белоруссии// Россия в глобальной политике. Март-апрель 2006. Т.4.№2.
  17. Wallace W. Looking After Neighbourhood Responsibilities For the EU-25// Groupment d’études et de recherche Notre Europe Policy Papers. July 2003. №4.
  • III. Исследовательские работы по странам Средиземноморского региона и их отношений с Европейским Союзом

    1. Attina F. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Assessed: The Realist and Liberal Views. European Foreign Affairs Review. 2003. Vol.8, № 2. pp.181-200// http://www.fscpo.unict.it/EuroMed/EMPefarde.pdf
    2. Youssoufi A. Maroc : Interrogations et inquiétudes. Confluences Méditerranée. Eté 2003. №46//








    1 Hix S. The Political System of the European Union. –New York: St. Martin’s Press, INC. 1999. p.3.

    2 Council of the ministers

    3 European Commission

    4 European Parliament

    5 European Court of Justice

    6 European Neighbourhood Policy

    7 «Wider Europe». Данный концепт будет более детально рассмотрен в основной части работы.

    8 Результатом решения является нормативно – правовой документ

    9 European Council

    10 Nugent N. Government and politics of the European Union/ -5th ed. Duke University Press. Durham 2003. pp. 473-474.

    11 Hix S. The Political System of the European Union. –New York: St. Martin’s Press, INC. 1999. p.5.

    12 Cremona M. The European Neighbourhood Policy: Legal and Institutional Issues// CDDRL (Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law Stanford Institute for International Studies) Working Papers. November 2004. №25.

    13 Mungiu-Pippidi A. EU – Enlargment and Democracy Progress// Democratization in the European Neighbourhood. Center For European Policy Studies. 2005.

    14 Emerson M. Two cheers for the European Neighbourhood Policy. June 2004. http://www.ceps.be/wp.php?article_id=338; Эмерсон М. Экзистенциальная дилемма Европы// Вестник Европы. 2005. -№15.

    15 Lannon E., P. Van Elsuwege. The EU’s emerging neighbourhood policy and its potential impact on the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. p. 17.

    16 Lynch D. The EU: towards a strategy// The South Caucasus: a Challenge for the EU. December 2003. Chaillot Paper №65.

    17 Дегоев В.В. Кавказские горизонты Большой Европы// Россия в глобальной политике. Том 2. №5 сентябрь-октябрь. 2004.

    18 Cameron F. The Wider Europe. The European Policy Centre. June 2003//http://www.ji-magazine.lviv.ua/engl-vers/border/texts2003/euractiv-12-06.htm

    19 Wider Europe: Relations between the Future enlarged EU and its Eastern Neighbours// General Affaires Council, Brussels 15 April 2002, doc. 7705/02.

    20 New Neighbours Initiative// General Affaires Council, Brussels, 30 September 2002, doc. 12134/02.

    21 New Neighbours – Council Conclusions// General Affaires Council, Brussels, 18 November 2002, doc. 14078/02.

    22 Prodi. R. «A Wider Europe - A Proximity Policy as the key to stability». Speech by the President of the European Commission at the Sixth ECSA-World Conference. Jean Monnet Project, Brussels, 5-6 December 2002// htpp: www.europa.int/comm/external_relations/we/intro/index.htm

    23 Ibidem

    24 Prodi. R. «Europe and the Mediterranean: Time For Action». Speech by the President of the European Commission, UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, 26 November 2002.

    25 Prodi. R. «A Wider Europe - A Proximity Policy as the key to stability». Speech by the President of the European Commission at the Sixth ECSA-World Conference. Jean Monnet Project, Brussels, 5-6 December 2002// htpp: www.europa.int/comm/external_relations/we/intro/index.htm

    26 Wallace W. Looking After Neighbourhood Responsibilities For the EU-25// Groupment d’études et de recherche Notre Europe Policy Papers. July 2003. №4.

    27 Венгрия, Кипр, Латвия, Литва, Мальта, Польша, Словакия, Словения, Чешская Республика, Эстония

    28 Presidency Conclusions – Copenhagen, 12 and 13 December 2002, Brussels, 29 January 2003, (15917/02), pp. 1-3.

    29 Ibidem pp. 6-7.

    30 Statement of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Bronisław Geremek on Opening of Poland's Negotiations on Membership in the European Union, Brussels, March 31, 1998// http://www.zbiordokumentow.pl/1998/1/2.html

    31 Ibidem

    32«Non-paper with Polish proposals concerning policy towards new Eastern neighbours after EU enlargement». Presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. January 2003// http://www.mfa.gov.pl/Non-paper,with,Polish,proposals,concerning,policy,towards,the,new,Eastern,neighbours,after,EU,enlargement,2041.html

    33 Cimoszewicz W. «The Eastern Dimension of the European Union. The Polish View». Speech by Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs at the opening of the Conference « EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy», Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw, 20-21 February 2003.

    34 Ibidem

    35 «Non-paper with Polish proposals concerning policy towards new Eastern neighbours after EU enlargement». Speech by Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, January 2003// http://www.mfa.gov.pl/Non-paper,with,Polish,proposals,concerning,policy,towards,the,new,Eastern,neighbours,after,EU,enlargement,2041.html

    36 Ibidem

    37 Учитывая последующее включение Румынии и Болгарии в состав Европейского Союза в 2007 г.

    38 Communication from the Commission to the Council and European Parliament. Wider Europe— Neighborhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbors Brussels, 11.3.2003, COM (2003) 104 final.

    39 Статус Ливии пока был не определен, т.к. она является страной – наблюдателем в Барселонском процессе, а также ранее ЕС приостанавливал с ней отношения.

    40 Цит. по: Emerson M. European Neighbourhood Policy: Strategy or Placebo?// CEPS Working Paper. November 2004. №215.

    41 Казин Ф. Какая «Большая Европа» нам нужна? Взгляд из России на стратегию нового соседства ЕС. Балтийский Исследовательский центр, Санкт-Петербург//


    42 Там же.

    43 Emerson M. European Neighbourhood Policy: Strategy or Placebo?// CEPS Working Paper. November 2004. №215.

    44 Verheugen G. «EU Enlargement and the Union’s Neighbourhood Policy». Speech by the Member of the European Commission responsible for Enlargement, The Neighbourhood Policy of the European Union at the Diplomatic Academy, Moscow 27 October 2003.

    45 European Parliament: Report on relations between the European Union and Belarus: towards a future Partnership (2002/2164(INI)), Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy. Rapporteur: Pedro Marset Campos. 29 January 2003, final A5-0024/2003.

    46 Commission Services Working Document to prepare the Euro-Mediterranean Mid-term Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affaires, Crete, 26-27 May 2003.

    47 С 1997 г. действие Соглашения о партнерстве и сотрудничестве между Европейскими Сообществами, с одной стороны, и Республикой Беларусь, с другой стороны, было приостановлено.

    48 Attina F. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Assessed: The Realist and Liberal Views. European Foreign Affairs Review. 2003. Vol.8, № 2. pp.181-200// http://www.fscpo.unict.it/EuroMed/EMPefarde.pdf

    49 Cremona M. The European Neighbourhood Policy: Legal and Institutional Issues// CDDRL (Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law Stanford Institute for International Studies) Working Papers. November 2004. №25.

    50 Biscop S. The European Security Strategy and the Neighbourhood Policy: A New Starting Point for a Euro-Mediterranean Security Partnership? Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels. Paper presented at EUSA Ninth Biennial International Conference Austin, Texas, 31 March – 2 April 2005.


    51 Wider Europe - New Neighbourhood// General Affaires Council, Brussels, 18 March 2003, doc. 6942/03.

    52 Ibidem

    53 Wider Europe - New Neighbourhood – Council Conclusions// General Affaires Council, Luxembourg, 16 June 2003, doc. 10369/03.


    55 Presidency Conclusions - Thessaloniki European Council, 19 and 20 June 2003, p. 13.

    56 Ibidem, pp. 1-2.

    57 Projet de Traité Etablissant une Constitution pour L’Europe. Adopté par consensus par la Convention européenne les 13 juin et 10 juillet 2003. Remis au Président du Conseil Europeen à Rome 18 juillet 2003. pp. 43-44.

    58 Ibidem

    59 Lannon E., P. Van Elsuwege. The EU’s emerging neighbourhood policy and its potential impact on the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. p. 17.

    60 Communication from the Commission Paving the way for a New Neighbourhood Instrument, Brussels, 1 July 2003, COM (2003) 393 final

    61 European Parliament: Report on 'Wider Europe - Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours', (COM (2003) 104 - 2003/2018(INI)), Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy. Rapporteur: Pasqualina Napoletano. 5 November 2003, final A5-0378/2003.

    62 Lynch D. The EU: towards a strategy// The South Caucasus: a Challenge for the EU. December 2003. Chaillot Paper №65.

    63 Ст. 49 Договора о ЕС устанавливает возможность любой европейской страны при соответствии Копенгагенским критериям 1993 г. обратиться с предложением о членстве в ЕС.

    64 Mungiu-Pippidi A. EU – Enlargment and Democracy Progress// Democratization in the European Neighbourhood. Center For European Policy Studies. 2005.



    65 OPINION of the Committee of the Regions of 9 October 2003 on the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Wider Europe - Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours (COM(2003) 104 final) and on the Communication from the Commission: Paving the Way for a New Neighbourhood Instrument (COM(2003) 393 final).  Brussels, 6 November 2003.

    66 OPINION of the European Economic and Social Committee on a Wider Europe – Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours

    (COM(2003) 104 final). Brussels, 11 December 2003.

    67 A Secure Europe in a Better World, paper adopted at the European Council, December 2003.

    68 European Parliament: Report with a proposal for a European Parliament recommendation to the Council on EU policy towards the South Caucasus  2003/2225(INI)), Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy. Rapporteur: Per Gahrton. 2 February 2004, final A5-0052/2004.

    69 Coppierters B. An EU Special Representative to a new periphery// The South Caucasus: a Challenge for the EU. December 2003. Chaillot Paper №65;  Lynch D. The EU: towards a strategy// The South Caucasus: a Challenge for the EU. December 2003. Chaillot Paper №65.

    70 Communication from the Commission European Neighbourhood Policy, Strategy Paper, Brussels, 12.5.2004, COM (2004) 373 final

    71 Ibidem

    72 Verheugen G. «Towards a Wider Europe: The New Agenda». Speech by the Member of the European Commission responsible for Enlargement, The Neighbourhood Policy of the European Union at the Prime Ministerial Conference of the Vilnius and Visegrad Democracies, Bratislava, 19 March 2004// http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/04/141&format=HTML&aged=1&language=EN&guiLanguage=en

    73 Emerson M. Two cheers for the European Neighbourhood Policy. June 2004. http://www.ceps.be/wp.php?article_id=338

    74 Цит. по: Дегоев В.В. Кавказские горизонты Большой Европы// Россия в глобальной политике. Том 2. №5 сентябрь-октябрь. 2004.

    75 Там же.

    76 Материала II семинара  серии «Россия и объединяющаяся Европа: перспективы сотрудничества». 8 июня 2006 г. Институт Европы РАН.



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