The interaction of art and technology in modern culture

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Ноября 2013 в 02:02, статья

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Historical milestones in the history of modern art and technology are widely known in the West , and the information about it can be easily found in the centers of media arts , public libraries , universities and academies of art. The relevance of this topic is evident, because Art and science essential areas in everyone's life. The aims are to clarify the features of the impact of new technologies on art, consider the interaction of art and science at the present stage, and to characterize the results of the interaction of new technologies and the arts.

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The interaction of art and technology in modern culture



Historical milestones in the history of modern art and technology are widely known in the West , and the information about it can be easily found in the centers of media arts , public libraries , universities and academies of art. The relevance of this topic is evident, because Art and science essential areas in everyone's life .

The aims are  to clarify the features of the impact of new technologies on art, consider the interaction of art and science at the present stage, and to characterize the results of the interaction of new technologies and the arts.


What is art?

There are many definitions of art. First of all, art - it is a specific kind of spiritual reflection and understanding of reality having a purpose of formation and development of the human ability to transform surrounding world creatively according to the laws of beauty. It should be noted that the existence of objective in art is controversial, and the concept of beauty - a relative, as the standard of beauty can be very different in different cultural traditions. Secondary, the art - it is one of the elements of culture, in which artistic and aesthetic values accumulated. Moreover, it is a form of sensory perception of the world and human creative abilities are expressed through art. Sometimes art considered to be a process of human exploration of artistic values​​, giving him pleasure and enjoyment.

Art is multifaceted, it is the soul of man, a rich world of beautiful images, it's a flight of fantasy, it is the desire to understand the sense of life and human being, it is the creative power of man. The greatest works of Shakespeare and Pushkin, Leonardo’s and Picasso’s painting, Mozart's brilliant music is also a form of art. Art - surrounds us in everyday life, comes into our house from the TV screens and video, sounds on stage.

If we try to define what art is, we can say that this is an "image" - the image of the world and man, recycled in the artist's mind and expressed it in the sounds, colors, and shapes.


The interaction of art and technology

XX century is called the century of technology and integration. In this connection the problem of correlation of art and technology is updated. It is in the modern era artistic photography, film, television, stage, light-music appear. Theatre - is not just the actors play and stage-craft, but also a light, musical and performance design. Sometimes in theater lasers, slides, film are used. In music, there is a new way of sound - electronic.

The rapid development of technology and the use of computers made ​​it possible to get an unusual sound using electronic synthesizers. In the latest computer synthesizers - video synthesizers - based on the principle of transfering electronic sounds into visual forms.

Another "synthetic" form of art-media, which involves showing movies in the performance of music. In multimedia art can merge with the environment, nature, music which is filled with noises of everyday life; in "performance" a variety of means - sounds, pictures, smells, colors are used. Thus, the interaction of art and technology, leads to the appearance of new synthetic genres and types, which helps to broaden the scope of traditional culture.


The interaction of art and technology: prospects for development

According to researchers, problems of interaction of art and technology, is now more and more noticeable, lack of coordination between the arts and the world of technology.

During all the history of mankind art and science interacted with each other. There are areas where exactly the art affects technology, as well as areas where the process of this interaction could be more than naturally, an example of this interaction are  design and architecture. From the fact that technique and art are in constant development, their interaction always dynamic.

Art historians have identified a number of periods in history when this interaction is changed. For the recent period belongs immediate reaction of the arts on technological developments and their values. This is the case with using of certain technologies in order to create new forms of art. For example, photography.

It is obvious that over the past two decades, we are experiencing a fundamental change. If we consider the prospects for the use of technology to create new forms of art, the progress in computer technology offers more possibilities in comparison with revolutionary developments such as the invention of photography or cinema.


The manifestation and role of new technologies in art

As a result of technological revolution, there have been dramatic changes in all spheres of human activity including the arts. New technologies have influenced the artistic environment, and as a result, a new phenomenon of art - digital art appeared.

Under the digital art it it understood the new formation which arose and actively discussed by experts of a wide range of areas relating both to the arts, culture, and science and technology. Emergence of digital arts has led to the emergence of new artistic genres and forms.

Using the language of digital culture, the emergence of digital arts immediately countered all the rest of traditional art - . Digital art - it is an open system, so it is developing together with all the art and actively influence it.Thus, first of all digital arts influenced on the most traditional art forms such as painting, drawing, sculpture. Holographic images imitating painting, sculpture, relief, even architecture began to appear.

What new technologies gave to art? The answer to this question will record the main features of contemporary art, formed under the influence of technology.

1. Interactivity - the ability for the viewer to come into contact with the artist even participate in the creation of works.

2. New artistic means.

3. Elite status of digital, most of all network and media art.

The most progressive directions of the modern art today is video art, which progressed by digital technology. It is the most democratic form of art in the production, where except camera, which can be rented you will need almost nothing. However,to exposure video art is the problem, as required high-quality display technology is not cheap.

Network art today is no longer limited to the interactive Internet-based projects, it goes into reality, creating networks that bring people together and create a new horizontal communications from person to person (flashmobs). Network art is often confused with WEB-design, which has nothing common and really the know-how that arose as a result of the advent of digital technology, not in the visual field, but in communications.

A huge impact digital technologies have had on music. Thanks to it e-culture appeared («drum'n'bass», «chaos», «easy», «techno»), which for the past decade is the fourth leading  in the field of non-academic music.Electronic media now is a powerful tool for the synthesis of different musical directions, including classical music with the modern. So the synthesis of rock and pop music is the most popular.

Today, digital technology permeate our everyday life, the period of their excitement replaced by a period of criticism. Especially it is noticeable in the field of mass media. Television more and more playing the role of an executor for humanity who acts like a servant for it. It is actively assimilate discovery of artists who use these discoveries in advertising. In this situation, the artists either play up or try to fight back, that's also important for PR strategies.



With the rapid interfering of technogenic environment in humanitarian, not all spheres of cultural life have been able to adapt quickly. Obviously, on the way of perception "high-tech art" or art-media there are some problems.

First - it is a basic technical ignorance of our contemporaries. Spectator is still often not able to understand the language and the use of technologies that offers him an artist, he often even does not use a computer. But this is perhaps not the most important thing.

New digital tools for self-expression of the artist, especially a continuously updated hi-tech, no longer cause excitement. Many deliberately refuse to use them, going back to low-tech, this fashion is called authenticity.

Artist of new technologies in Ukraine is still marginal, not only in society, as any artist in general, but also in the local contemporary art. It does not look like a revolutionary, carrying education to the masses.



Having examined the interaction of art and technology, it was found that the impact of new technologies on art is undeniable. As a result of the impact of technology on art formed the phenomenon of digital arts, or  media art that are characterized by interactivity, elite status, new artistic methods, forms and genres. The most common types of digital art are video art, network art, animation.

Estimating the problem of the impact is still controversial. Experts in the field of art and culture are divided into two camps - those who accept this influence and considers media art as a step in the further development and perspective direction, and those who do not accept it, evaluating media art as a degradation. It remains to note that the problem of struggle conservatives and innovators is typical for any stage of cultural evolution.














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