Military Epidemiology

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Декабря 2013 в 17:32, доклад

Краткое описание

The study of the peculiarities of the epidemic process and the active influence on its course not only in troops, but also among the population surrounding the troops is discussed.
This need is described as urgent in contemporary conditions, when in the case of unleashing war, the enemy can use bacterial means of attack. Military epidemiology is viewed as a division of epidemiology and a branch of military medicine which studies the peculiarities of the course of the epidemic process in wartime, and in military groups in peacetime.

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Military Epidemiology  


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Ministry Education of Republic of Kazakhstan

Semey State Medical University

The Department of

Hygiene and Epidemiology


Semey, 2013

The study of the peculiarities of the epidemic process and the active influence on its course not only in troops, but also among the population surrounding the troops is discussed.

This need is described as urgent in contemporary conditions, when in the case of unleashing war, the enemy can use bacterial means of attack. Military epidemiology is viewed as a division of epidemiology and a branch of military medicine which studies the peculiarities of the course of the epidemic process in wartime, and in military groups in peacetime.

An essential division of military epidemiology is the division, dedicated to the study of the peculiarities of the origin, spread and liquidation of epidemic diseases in wartime with the creation of an artificial epidemic process by the enemy.

On the basis of the learned regularities, military epidemiology has developed prophylactic and antiepidemic measures in troops, and in wartime, frequently among the surrounding population, and has determined the form and methods of activity of the military medical service for the protection of troops from epidemic diseases.

The aim of military epidemiology - the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the troops.


Tasks military epidemiology :

  • skid prevention of infectious diseases in the army ;
  • preventing the spread of infectious diseases among military personnel ;
  • prevention of infectious diseases removal of troops;
  • biological protection troops.

Sections of military epidemiology :

  • doctrine of the epidemic process and especially its development of military personnel ;
  • means and methods Anti-epidemic force protection ;
  • Epidemiological Diagnosis ( retrospective epidemiological and operational analysis , epidemiological study of outbreaks of infectious diseases , sanitary-epidemiological investigation and monitoring);
  • organization of events for the Epidemic protect troops in peacetime and wartime;
  • Private epidemiology ;
  • biological weapons and defense against them .

The methods of military epidemiology


To solve the problems of anti-epidemic protection , skin prevention of infectious diseases in troops and successful struggle with them military uses various methods of epidemiology.


One of the important methods is epidemiological survey method. This survey is conducted to identify the causes and conditions for infectious diseases and study of measures to localize and eliminate the epidemic emerged hearth.

When conducting epidemiological surveys desirable to clarify the circumstances of the disease in the sick , to establish whether he absented himself from part interview persons who were in the immediate vicinity of the patient ( commander , sergeant , health instructor , companions ) , to clarify the information obtained from the patient about the possible conditions of infection determine the number of persons exposed to risk of infection , together with the patient and from it.


If the results are evidence of the infection in a patient , you need to carefully interview and , if necessary, using a survey of clinical and laboratory methods of all persons who could serve as a likely source of infection ( eg, workers in nutrition, water ) , as well as all the exposed risk infection from this patient .

Often it is necessary to conduct sanitary inspection barracks and other objects in the environment in order to identify shortcomings in the organization for food, water , clean-up , which may provide indirect evidence of the disease pathways . Identifying the source of infection often causes difficulties and requires health workers persistent search . To clarify the epidemiological situation in part ( subdivision ) and its location in the area check out the credentials of the registration of similar or related diseases in the team in the previous period .

The duration of this period is determined depending on the epidemiological features infection. Based on the epidemiological survey in the data make a conclusion about the source of infection and the patient's circumstances and factors of transmission , isolated persons exposed to risk of infection , together with the patient and from the patient , and set them under medical surveillance for a period of maximum incubation period . Where necessary, such persons appointed means of emergency prevention.

On the results of epidemiological surveys and paramedic reports to the commander of the doctor . Results of the survey are entered into a special card epidemiological survey of infectious disease , which is sent to the medical service district. Great importance to study the causes of infectious diseases is a method of surveillance .

etc.) control the sanitary condition of the territory , settlements, occupied by troops, water sources and other epidemiologically significant objects .


Epidemiological surveillance should cover the entire territory of the location , conducted actively and continuously. The main tasks of this study , observation of sanitary and epidemic status area of military units , the timely detection of troops in the area of ​​infectious disease outbreaks and epizootic diseases dangerous to humans , as well as the detection of bacterial contamination of the environment (soil, water , air, food ,

According to the results of surveillance assess risk of introduction of infection to the troops and the possibility of growth of the number of infectious patients in part due to changes in the health of the individual objects. On this basis, determine the need for additional preventive and anti-epidemic measures or specify the amount and timing of previously planned activities. To establish the incidence of personnel, the effectiveness of preventive and anti-epidemic measures in the military epidemiology a statistical method .

It allows you to determine the incidence of personnel ( in the Soviet Army , this figure is estimated at 1,000 people ) , to identify the incidence of seasonal differences , years, departments , evaluate the effectiveness of activities such as the identification, isolation and hospitalization of patients and carriers , disinfection treatment of infectious foci , efficiency vaccinations , etc. It is also used an experimental technique called epidemiological experience.

With it, examine the impact of the epidemic on the troops of different tools and methods for the prevention or control of communicable diseases . For the diagnosis of infectious diseases , providing the capability for early detection of diseases and early the necessary anti-epidemic measures in the epidemic outbreak , the military uses the methods of bacteriological epidemiology , immunology , virology and other laboratory studies.

Finally, the most important method of military epidemiology is sanitary and epidemiological investigation . Proper planning and full implementation of preventive and anti-epidemic measures in the unit are possible only if the knowledge of the specific sanitary and epidemiological situation . This task is accomplished mainly through the timely organization and carrying out of sanitary -epidemiological survey. The latter is not only the most important method of military epidemiology, but also one of the leading sections of Anti-epidemic protect troops.



    • In peacetime, especially accommodation, mode of life and activities of the armed forces, etc. also require special anti-epidemic measures . In this regard, the military doctors were pioneers in the development of many branches of the general epidemiology , they managed to create a scientific system of disease control troops. Coherent system of disease control allowed during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, under extremely difficult circumstances prevent epidemics among the personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR .

Thanks for attention!



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